Heeseung, Jay, and Jake burst in. They looked so confused. Dabin suddenly switched up and had a her usual bright smile on her face, standing behind me casually. "What's all the screaming?" Jay asked in a more demanding sounding tone.

"We were watching a movie." Dabin answered quickly. "Liar." Heeseung hissed. I looked back at Dabin, and then she looked at me. Then she stepped closer, her eyes burning into mine.

I immediately backed up. I suppose Heeseung had seen enough just by me backing up away from her. Heeseung stepped forward and grabbed her arm. Dabin looked surprised and stared up at him.

Then she got mad. She snatched away and tried to reach for me. I shot backwards and hit Jake. Jay pulled me behind him quickly, standing his ground as Dabin tried to get to me. Jake and Heeseung both grabbed her struggled to get her out. But they did.

I heard her yelling about me as they dragged her down the hall. I hadn't realize I was shaking like it was winter in my room. Jay pulled me out from behind him and held onto my arms, looking at me.

"You alright? That girl seemed crazy." Jay asked. I only blinked. I still dont know how to register what just happened. Jay sighed and brought me over to the couch, sitting me down.

What Dabin had said...about my parents and sister not wanting me...it kept playing in my head. I didnt cry though. I knew it was true so why cry over it? Jay tried comforting me for a good twenty minutes before Jake and Heeseung came back.

Jay opened the door for them while I sat on the couch, fiddling my fingers. What did I do to Dabin for her to do that? Did I say something? Did I do something? "We had to get the cops to tell her to leave but shes gone." Jake told.

"Alright. Though-" Jay began whispering and I couldnt hear what he was saying but I didnt really care. You know, I remember a bottle of soju still being in the fridge. Once they leave I might drink it just to get rid of it.

Jake then left with a small goodbye. I bowed my head and then looked back at my fingers. Now I just got to wait until Jay and Heeseung leave. "You alright Jeongmi?" Jay asked. I looked over at him and Heeseung.

Heeseung was staring me in my eyes. It gives me the chills when he stares at me like that. I looked back at Jay and nodded. I dont think he believed me but he didnt argue. With that Jay and Heeseung left.

I felt pressure release from my shoulders. Why is so much happening these past few days? I was exhausted. I trudged to the fridge and took out the soju, cracking it open. I took two giant gulps.

I sat on the floor and leaned against the island, putting the soju next to me. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and listened to music, singing along with a sorrow tone. I took a break of singing ever one in a while to take gulps of the soju until most of it was gone. Only about six sips were left.

My singing became more sloppy as the effects of the alchohol settled in. My breathing was heavy and sort of slow. I took the last sips of soju and carefully stood up, leaning against the island for support. I threw the bottle away.

I picked up my phone and hopped up onto the island. I laid down on it for some reason, enjoying the cold marble sending goosebumps along my body. I closed my eyes and listened to the music calmly sounding from the speaker of my phone.

Once again, I didnt want to be alone. What's with me all of a sudden? I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around even though I knew nobody was in my dorm. I slid off the island and turned off the music.

I stumbled over to the couch and sat down, hugging onto a pillow. I'm at such a low with nobody to hold on to. All I have is a damn pillow. While still hugging the pillow, I turned on the TV.

I turned on a movie I've seen a thousand times and sat comfortably against the couch, hugging the pillow tightly. I heard my phone buzz and I rolled my eyes. I reluctantly picked it up and opened the message.

We are going out to eat in 15 if you want to join us. It's only me, Niki, Jungwon and Sunghoon.

I'm not really in the mood but I really appreciate your offer.

Dont let that girl get to you Jeongmi. Either way I wont force you to come. Please eat though.

I smiled at his words. It was so heartwarming. He was right though, I shouldnt let her get to me. I should also eat. I hesitantly let go of the pillow and went to the kitchen. There was nothing that peaked my interest.

I sighed. I would have to order something. I went back to the couch and grabbed my phone. I wasnt really craving anything. I guess just some regular fries chicken. So that's what I ordered.

Now I just needed to wait about 25 minutes. I got comfortable on the couch and hugged onto the pillow once more. I intently watched the movie. My breath was calm and not so heavy.

The feeling of loneliness was starting to overwhelm me. It was like a blessing when I heard someone knock on my door. I knew it couldnt be the delivery yet. I dropped the pillow and practically ran to the door, nearly falling on my way there.

I swung open the door to face Sunoo with Heeseung behind him. "Jay told us to check on you. Are you ok?" Sunoo asked sweetly, a small smile on his face. Heeseung still had his cold persona on.

I whipped out my phone quick, nearly throwing it but Heeseung stepped forward and stopped me. I looked up at him confused. Sunoo looked confused as well. "Sunoo can you go so I can talk to her privately?" Heeseung said without looking at Sunoo, staring me in the eyes.

"Uhhh...ok?" Sunoo said, turning around and going into their dorm. Heeseung pushed past me and entered my dorm. I slowly closed the door, starting to get a bit worried.

I nervously turned and faced him, he was already staring at me. My heart was beating fast as I saw that he did not look happy. He looked rather pissed. "How many times will me and Jay have to tell you to stop drinking for you to do so huh?!" He snapped suddenly.

I flinched at his angry tone. I backed myself against the door. "You are about to be an idol and have more things to worry about than having a drink Jeongmi! You are 19 and you should act like it. You are even drinking the day before we have work! Dont you think you should be more professional?" Heeseung inquired angrily.

I was frozen, just starting at him. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm being serious with you. Do. Not. Drink. I'm sick of me and Jay having to deal with it! Its exhausting and I wont stand for it anymore. Make better choices." Heeseung scolded, staring me down.

I gulped and looked down at the floor. Guilt began to choke me. Am I really so much of an exhausting person? I felt a piece of me crack. I shouldn't let words affect me so much but I cant help that.

Heeseung walked up to me. He was close, really close. He leaned down and gently pushed up my chin, making our eyes meet. "Look at me when I'm talking to you alright?" He said rather quietly.

Butterflies stormed in my stomach. His tone is what did it for me. I got flustered and tried to look away but he held my face still. I couldnt help but glance at his lips. I pressed my own lips shut, getting more shy by the second.

"I better not catch you drunk again. You're not going to do that to yourself. Do you understand?" He questioned with a serious tone. I nodded quickly. He stood up straight, still staring down at me. I was holding my breath unknowingly.

I hate how fine he is. Yeah, I know he just yelled at me but I really didnt want him to leave. I stood firmly infront of the door. Heeseung raised a brow, as he reached for the door. I grabbed his hand to stop him.

He was shocked by this and pulled his hand away. Then we stared at one another. I dont know how long but we stared for a while. I dont want to be alone...

Even if it meant being around Heeseung...

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