standing above them motionless

Start from the beginning

Juicy calmed down hearing your voice

"To not wake you up but I'm pretty sure we're pass that point" he chuckled slightly before turning on the light "y/n what are you doing, baby brush?" He added

You hated that nickname

"I had a nightmare again" you sheepishly looked at the floor

Juicy gave you a sympathetic smile and invited you in, you crawled under the covers with your brush plush and faced away from juicy.

He turned off the lights and slept with his back to you as well

"Goodnight, baby brush"

"Goodnight, bitch"



Gabby was on vacation with her friends for a week which put you a little on edge, worried for her safety.

You knew nothing would happen but you've been having these nightmares about her getting hurt and they were scaring you.

One night you had another nightmare and hurried into your fathers room and stood above his bed, too afraid to wake him up

Eddie felt something watching him and he rolled over making you flinch backwards putting you in a very horrify "demon coming at you pose."

eddie let out a very manly scream

"AHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FuCK" he said the fuck part remembering you were asleep and then remembering he was being attacked by demons

You flinched backwards again and landed on your ass

"Oof" you let out audibly

Eddie paused and grabbed his glasses turning on the light

"Y/n?" Eddie questioned

"Yeah..?" You groaned

"Are you okay?" He questioned quickly getting up

You nodded and he helped you up

"Why were you staring at me like that?" He questioned again picking you up and sitting in the bed

"I had a nightmare about gabby..." You said looking down shamefully, he chuckled and rubbed your back

"It's okay, niño/niña.. Why don't we call her to make sure she's okay" he asked

You nodded and he reached over to grab his phone, calling gabby to which she Grogily answered

"Eddie what the fuck..?" She glared with a smile

"Y/n had a nightmare about you and scared the shit outta me while I was trying to sleep" eddies explained

"Don't shit my bed you're not amber Heard, y/n? Are you okay?" She asked while Eddie handed you the phone to talk to her.

After the call ended you stayed with Eddie all night, feeling a little better gabby was okay.


Sleeping wasn't working, it hasn't worked in 4 days, your mind was driving you crazy everything was moving when it shouldn't be moving, all the shadows and figures keeping you up more and you finally had enough.

You walked into your fathers room twitching at the cold air hitting your skin, you stood above his bed not wanting to wake him up.

Mully was deeply asleep but woke up to you startling your self with your sleep deprivedness, he looked up

"Whoa what the fuck" he rubbed his eyes and quickly turned on the lights

He squinted and glared

"Y/n what the fuck" he was kinda annoyed you woke him up

You burst into tears

"I haven't slept in 4 days and I'm starting to see stuff and I'm scared" you choked out

Mully dropped the squint and sat up

"Oh y/n...dovey.." He pulled you into a hug and you sobbed into his chest

He sat you on the bed and went to get some melatonin. He handed you some and knelt in front of you

"Y/n why didn't you tell me a while ago?" he questioned concernly

"I thought I could handle it by myself..." you looked down painfully

"Y/n you're not alone I promise, I'm here for you..." he said pulling you into a tight hug "I'm not leaving you I promise." he whispered

You nodded softly not letting go, he rubbed your back softly before the melatonin kicked in, he got back into bed and turned out the lights, and you just turned over and fell asleep right then and there.

Mully smiled, proud of himself and you. Proud of himself for adopting you and proud of you for trusting him enough to tell him.

(1203 words)

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