"And to the Class of 2011, I won't say goodbye but see you later. May we all go on to do amazing things!" 

A booming sound of applause erupts from the crowd personally I think I was clapping the loudest but who can say? Y/N flings his cap into the air and everyone else follows suit, caps rain down like snowflakes as he jogs his way over to me. "How was that? I know it was a little winded but I think I got my point across." He laughs and shakes hands with a few students who come over to thank him and give him congrats. I giggle and smile as I slap him on the chest "Well as far as speeches go it could have been better." He's such an easy tease and I love it. "So Y/N, there's something I have to tell you...I've wanted to say this for a while but I really lo-."

"Hey there Blondie! Congratulations on the SCL!" 

No fucking way is tha-.

Y/N turns to the voice and his eyes go wide "Tony Stark!?" Are you fucking kidding me?! I got blocked by Tony Stark! This is officially the worst. Y/N has officially entered fanboy mode "Oh my God Mr. Stark it is such a pleasure. You're like legendary around here, you're such an inspiration to us all. But I have to ask why are you here. This is a random place for someone like you to pop up." I sigh and plop back down in my seat I know this is important to Y/N but come on man cut me some slack.

Stark laughs and slaps a hand on Y/N's shoulder wrapping it around him "Well kid I'm here scouting the local talent. I have to say out of the past few years you have caught my eye the most. You've caught my interest. I was hoping to ask you about interning for me at Stark Enterprises." I bite my lip as my eyes dart over to Y/N awaiting his response, would he really throw away his gap year with me for this? Stark notices his hesitance and laughs "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity kid don't think too hard now."

I decide to speak up getting up and standing next to Y/N I slide my hand into his "Y/N already has plans for a gap year in Zurich. You wouldn't make me go alone would you?" I look deep into his soft eyes the look of pleading almost painted on my face. 


I look between Karla and Mr. Stark the pounding of my heart almost audible in my ears. Who do I choose my lifetime best friend or a man who could make or break my career? "Well, internships only last a few months on average...Maybe you can go without me and I can come after it's over?" Karla snatches her hand free from mine and storms off without a word and I quickly follow after her "I'll get back to you Mr. Stark! Karla wait up please slow down!" Karla whips around on her heels and stares into my eyes "What do you want to break a few more promises today? We have been planning this since I graduated and now you just flake on me?!" 

I shrink back at her tone but I can't be mad at her for that, she's 100% right. "Karla please this could be the biggest jumpstart to my career I could get." She shouts over me throwing her hands into the air as she does "You graduated Summa Cum Laude from the greatest med school in the country, you already had a HUGE jumpstart!" I sigh and grab her hands and pull them to my chest "Karla please listen to me, you're my best friend and I wouldn't trade you for anything. How about I stay longer in Zurich if I take this internship? I know it means a lot to you but this means a lot to me. I'm willing to compromise on this."

I look deep into her eyes I can see that she knows I'm telling the truth. She sighs and rubs her finger against my thumb "Fine...you can do your stupid internship but I want you on the first plane out of here when it ends. You got that mister?" She was always so adorable when she puts her foot down, if she wasn't so short it might have been more intimidating. I pull her into a hug and rub my hands up and down her back "I'll be sure to book in advance, you've got my word. Now, how about we head back to my place to give my dad the good news." 

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