"Bum ass. Any way I'm going out tonight," she fixed her hair and walked out the door. She didn't even say bye to Ashlyn. 

I shook my head. I couldn't win for losing with her. But it was what it was. She was my childs mom and I had to respect that. Even though it was hella hard at times.

I took out my phone and called my nigga James. We were both in the starting 5 on my team, and he probably knew where we were playing tomorrow. 

"Ayee Cuhh." He said.

"Wass good?"

"Nothing mainee nothing at all. What's up with you?"

"Nah, I was just wondering where we play tomorrow."

"CCA maine, where them bad ass chicks at."  CCA? Why the hell did that ring a bell in my head?

"Alright man, I'll see you tomorrow."


My memory shot back at me quick as fuck. We were playing CCA, where Alanna went to school at. At least I think she's still in school.

We haven't really talked since I went back home last spring break which was like a year ago. We tried to keep things cool, and I honestly wanted things to at least work out as us being friends. But once the baby was born things just were different. Priorities changed, and then that's around the time Cassie and I tried to work things out again.

There's alot of what if's in that situation. I try not to let my mind wonder back when, cause I know shit will never be back to normal.

Later that night I put Ash to bed, and started to get ready for bed my own damn self. I was tried as fuck, and needed some rest for tomorrow.

Just when I was about to k.o my phone started going off. I heard laughing on the other line and I knew exactly who it was.


"What Cass?"

"Can you PWEASE come pick me up?" She stumbled over her word and all I could do was sigh and shake my damn head. This was a mess. She was a mess.

"Your ass shouldn't be getting too drunk to drive anyway! I swear man this shit is getting old." I climbed my tired ass out of bed and put on some pants.

Having to do this was nothing new.



"For once can you not be a creeper and take pictures of every damn thing?" Mickie said laughing out loud.We were chilling at the beach with some friends, having a good time.

"I thought you liked when I take pictures." I said taking a couple of her. 

I still can't believe she decided to come to CCA with me. She's only been here for a couple weeks, and I was still showing her around and stuff.

But all in all everythings been fantastic since she's been here. Me, Her, and my friend Conny room together in my apartment.

Conny was a photography major, like myself and we had alot of things in common. She was a cool down to earth chick who could party like a wild animal. She was one of my first friends at CCA.

Honestly everything here didn't start out as smooth as I was expecting it too. I came to this school not knowing a damn person. The first semester I ended up keeping to myself for the most part. But then I started talking to Conny who was in a couple of my classes. She persuaded me to go to a couple of parties with her, and next thing you know everybody knows me. 

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