Episode 29.2 - Feral Amalgamation

Start from the beginning

Both Polterghasts swirled around each other and rammed into Renee. Seemingly taken aback by this sudden transformation, she wasn't able to get out of the way in time and ended up getting knocked to the side, losing almost all of her health in the process.

On seeing her body crumple limply upon a ledge, Robyn cried out again. But not in fear.

A new resolve seemed to stir within her. One to take down these ghastly monstrosities, to exorcise them into nothingness.

Both Polterghasts charged towards her, and she would have been hit by both their paths crossing over had she not weaved to the side. Both menaces shrieked again, the souls contained within boiling with rage.

She could... somehow feel their hatred. The souls' hatred of whoever had trapped them in this Dungeon, all coalesced into this amalgamation.

And, in her anger, she felt hatred rising herself. For Yharim, for ruthlessly slaughtering so many and ruling with an unthinkably heavy fist. For Calamitas, for deceiving them in the form of Meg for so long.

And for William. For his betrayal, one far more personal, far closer to the heart, that it was all that was going through her mind. If he hadn't turned, she wouldn't have been left alone and broken. She wouldn't feel like it was down to her to pick up this immense, unbearable task.

He had constantly felt burdened by the weight of their quest, and of all the losses that had come with it. But instead of accepting her invitation to share the weight, he had just dumped it all on her, and taken the easy way out.

Rage surged through her. All the rage over her hatred. Her arrows fired hard and fast into both Polterghasts, decimating their health. Both ghostly forms went to do another set of crossing charges at her, which she expertly dodged.

More arrows. More dodges. More pained shrieks from the souls of Polterghast. Until finally, her rage-induced arrows tore its form to ribbons, scattering the souls back into the Dungeon.

Robyn landed amidst the items it dropped. More Phantoplasm. Some Ruinous Souls. A summon weapon named the Ethereal Subjugator. A rogue weapon named the Ghoulish Gouger. And a sword named the Terror Blade.

Then she remembered Renee, and flew up to the ledge where she had landed. Still unconscious.

Robyn suddenly felt guilty at how she'd talked to Renee. On their first encounter, Renee had been trying to kill her, and after William had... left, next thing she'd known Renee had suddenly joined their side seemingly out of nowhere.

But Renee had saved her life during that fight with Polterghast. Robyn felt sure she would have died had she not been there. With Meg and William gone and many citizens dead, their list of allies was growing thin, and they were going to need all the help they could get.

"Renee?" Robyn called. "Renee!"

That was when she heard a low, ethereal roar behind her.

She turned around, just in time to spot the creature coming into existence behind her.

Its skin was light blue. Its face was like some sea creature. Its eyes were golden. Its tail was long, pointing downwards and making the creature appear almost twice as tall as her.

But what began to freak her out the most was the royal blue clothing draped just below its head.

The hood and cloak of a Cultist. Its head poked through the top of the hood, its tail poking out through the bottom.

With a jolt, she realised she had seen this creature before.

In her nightmares featuring the Lunatic Cultist, he would always transform into this creature. Morphing from human to beast.

This beast... named an Eidolist.

And now it was floating right in front of her.

She got out her bow and notched an arrow, ready to defend Renee if need be.

"Who are you?" she shouted. "Why do you keep showing up in my nightmares? Why did you summon Providence?"

The Eidolist was silent, its glowing golden eyes staring down at her.

Then, it spoke, its voice emanating as though it was speaking in her mind.

"The Lunatic Cultist tried to warn you."

"That's what he keeps saying in my dreams!" Robyn retorted. "But what does it mean?"

The Eidolist just turned around.

"Come with me."

The Lunatic Cultist tried to warn her, just like how I keep warning you to vote. I mean... not warn, it's not a threat, simply a request.

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