Episode 28.4 - Unholy Insurgency

Start from the beginning

"I certainly don't, I don't even have them," the Cloud Elemental said.

"That's because you're just a cloud!"

"Cloudy!" the ditsy Sand Elemental giggled.

Providence soon closed herself up again, but this time she used a different attack – one where she fired out spirals and spirals of glowing stars in an almost indiscrete pattern.

It was nearly impossible to dodge every star that she fired out, but Robyn was relieved that they didn't do a massive amount of damage. She found herself flying near Renee.

"I got hit by a green star, but it healed me instead," Renee said.

That's a small mercy, Robyn thought.

Providence opened up again, and seemed to hang in the air for a few moments, not making any attacks, before two searing beams of light were fired out from her crystal.

"Cactuses! She's got a Moon Lord laser!" Sid shouted. "Two of them!"

The two lasers converged inwards, attempting to catch him like picking up a noodle with chopsticks, but he managed to fly up and out of their grasp.

"Oh yeah!" Sid shouted, feeling like a certain orange-suited supervillain from a real-life movie that he found himself vaguely remembering.

The three of them kept on fighting the Profaned Goddess. Her attack patterns were overwhelming, but low damage and Robyn actually found herself gradually acclimating to them, even when the next time Providence fired her dual lasers Robyn had to dodge out from between them.

"Almost down to 200,000 health left!" Sid shouted.

That was when three objects were suddenly thrust out from her fiery wings. Three very familiar objects.

"Cactuses! She's spawned three more Profaned Guardians!"

Providence flew up in the air, dropping more flare bombs, the Profaned Guardians flying with her in erratic orbits around her.

"That crystal one is healing her now!" Renee said.

"Big, spiky cactuses! Take it down!"

Sid pointed his summons towards the crystal guardian while Renee started throwing her Celestial Reaper at it. Robyn, with her Planetary Annihilation, wasn't able to easily directly hit the healer guardian, but she could deal some damage to all three guardians across the board as well as to Providence herself, stopping her health from getting up too high. She was thankful that the guardians themselves didn't seem to be too aggressive now, just sticking by their goddess. She kept dodging the fire in the air and everything else Providence threw at them with relative ease. They could do this.

That was when she saw the Cultist again, once again staring at her. Much closer this time.

And... she swore she could hear... a voice emanating from the Cultist. Dark and ethereal, reminding her grimly of when she'd been cursed.

No... What is going on? I can't be cursed again! I can't!

Her attention was taken so much that she didn't see the massive fireball explode into her, blasting her to the ground.

"Robyn!" Sid shouted.

It looked like she'd been knocked out, but he couldn't spend any time worrying about her. The best he could do was try to lure Providence away from Robyn's unconscious body so she'd be safe. He signalled to Renee to do just that.

The healer guardian was brought down shortly after, and then the two other Profaned Guardians. Providence, seeing her health was getting low, seemed to dial up her attacks faster and faster, but it wasn't enough to stop Sid and Renee.

On reaching 0 health, she froze in mid-air. Her crystal core seemed to shatter, her entire body turning completely white and flaring quite brightly. A few seconds passed before she exploded in a blinding flash of light, a shockwave heard throughout the Hallow, a ring of flames bursting out like a supernova.

Sid heard a voice in his ear. "Fossilised tree bark is bursting through the jungle's mud."


"Robyn." It was Sid. "Robyn?"

Her eyes felt like they were burning. Her joints ached.

But somehow, in her mind, she felt a sense of clarity. She felt like she could comprehend what that Cultist had been saying to her, and suddenly, for the first time in what felt like ages, she knew what she had to do.

It might bring her into danger, but so what? She had a powerful set of armour and weapons. She had less than 100 of her health left as well, but that would regenerate. Providence was dead, and the Hallowed plain was calm once again.

She got to her feet and jumped into the air, blue-and-green wings spreading from her Seraph Tracers.

"Where are you going?" Sid asked.

He wasn't sure if Robyn heard him as she soared into the air and took flight in a northerly direction.

He looked to Renee next to him. "Follow her."

Without a word, she cloaked herself in her rogue invisibility. Sid watched as twin particle trails began to lead away, following Robyn.

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