Episode 27.2 - The Nexus Level

Start from the beginning

The Nexus? Robyn wondered what made her refer to Firstworld by that name. What did it mean?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a flurry of red sparks spiralling into existence behind Calamitas.

It expanded, to the shape of a flaming oval. It was a portal, with only blackness laying within.

Until a gold-armoured boot stepped through, followed by the other, the full visage of Lord Yharim entering the room.

"I can see you played your part to perfection, Calamitas," he spoke, striding up to her.

Robyn stared down at the Jungle Tyrant. Large and imposing, his purple cape flowing behind him, the blue slit on his helmet glowing.

"Are you here to kill us?" Sid spat.

"Kill you?" Yharim laughed. "Well, if you really want to die right now, I could feed you to the Devourer. But then you won't get to hear what I have to say. I'm sure you'll find it all quite interesting."

"What's there to talk about?" William exclaimed. "You're a mass murderer. Thanks to you, this world is practically lifeless, and you tore your way into ours like it was nothing."

"This is just one world," Yharim said. "Out of many. Your world is more important, but I'll be getting to that."

"What makes our world so important?" Sid asked. "Meg called it the Nexus just before."

"Ah yes. I see you've been paying attention." Yharim held out a block of stone in his hands and placed it on the ground, then stood atop it.

"In your world, in the Nexus, the three of you woke up one day. Probably in the morning. With no clue as to how you got there, or why the world was what it is, your only memories being from some other realm that you only know as real life.

"With nothing else to do, you played the game. The game that your world, this world, and so many others share.

"But eventually, you discovered that the world is finite. The world is a cage. You might have wondered, how do you get to the real world? It must have been maddening, knowing you are in such a cage, knowing there is a whole, greater world outside of the cage. Little did you know, you were closer than most to the outside.

"You see Sid, the reason your world is referred to as the Nexus is because it is the closest world to a certain link, which stretches to a certain node, which leads out to a certain somewhere."

"What the cactus are you meaning?" Sid exclaimed.

"In your world, I am constructing a portal to the real world."

There were gasps from both Sid and William. Robyn herself felt light-headed, completely refusing to believe what Yharim was saying.

"We can't let you get out there of all people," Sid muttered. "Not after all you've done in here."

"None of what I do in here matters." Yharim countered. "Unless I get out. You know as well as anyone that these worlds are just a game. Nothing here is real."

Yharim seemed to sigh under his mask.

"The last time I was in the Nexus, I tried to get out. To the real world. But I did not manage in time. This time however... I know I will succeed." He stared hard at them. "The fact of the matter is, there is nothing you can do to stop me. Even though you've scrounged your way back up to about the same power level as when I first invaded your village, you stand no chance against me. Or against the true power of Calamitas.

"So I'm leaving you with only two options," Yharim continued. "Join me, and journey to the real world with me. Or..." He got out his massive black blade, stabbing it into the ground and leaning on it, "I leave you stranded in this world to die."

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