Episode 25.4 - Forbidden Lullaby

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Robyn fired arrow after arrow at the Leviathan, mostly using her Malevolence bow. Plague-infected arrows bit into the sea monster, but even the debilitating power of such an attack was doing little. Meg next to her fired beams from her Terra Ray, and Sid's army of summons lashed and attacked.

The Leviathan lowered itself down to the sea and charged forward – straight towards them. Robyn flew to the left, just barely getting out of reach of Leviathan's mouth.

"Where is William?" she asked. She hadn't seen him for awhile.

"I hope he's not trying to cut his way out from the inside," Sid said. "It would be much easier to do that from the outside!"

"I'm sure he is aware of that!" Meg exclaimed before casting a volley of magic from her Tears of Heaven. "Wait, isn't that one of his swords sticking out the top of it?"

Robyn took to the air to get a better look, and realised she was right. There was the shining hilt of one of his blades. She wasn't sure which one, but its owner was nowhere to be seen.

"We've got to take that thing out as fast as we can!" Sid shouted.

Just as he said that Anahita appeared in front of him, halberd swinging.

"Not when I'm here to take you out!" She cast a volley of water-spears that shot towards Sid. He jumped upwards to dodge them.

"You'll have to do better than that if you want to take me out!" Sid exclaimed. He held out his hand and made a twiddling motion with his fingers. "Let's dance!"

Anahita speared towards him, but Sid dodged again. His butterfly summons swirled between him and Anahita, his Wither Blossoms circled him shooting her. He cast forth his Plantation Staff, launching the miniature Plantera to clamp itself around Anahita's face.

"Aagh!" she cried out.

She launched another wave of clef-notes, which Sid again dodged. Still with Plantera clamped around her face, she tried lunging at him again, but she kept on missing, Sid not even having to dodge that hard. His butterflies chipped away at her health more and more.

She soon managed to rip the mini Plantera away, held out her halberd, and made one last lunge.

Sid summoned a Daedalus Golem in front of him, which she slammed into. The golem fractured apart from the force of her charge, but that was the end of the line for her. Her health dropping to 0 caused her to scream. She dropped her halberd as her body began to compress inwards, her head transforming into a blue pearl, her body and hair becoming a grey, finny substance that surrounded the pearl.

Then the pearl rushed into Sid's inventory. The Pearl of Enthrallment, it was named. Its label read, Summons a water elemental to fight for you.

So we've got sand elementals and now a water one. Interesting...

He heard the Leviathan's roar in the background, turning to see Meg and Robyn still fighting it. Its health too had dropped significantly. Sid pointed his summons to go assist them, but he didn't feel like he'd need to go over there himself. This battle was basically won.

That was when someone raised up from the deep beside him.

"William!" Sid cried.

William breathed, coughing up some water.

"Are you okay?" Sid asked.

"I'm fine. Let's finish this."


Once the Leviathan had fallen, its massive hulk collapsing into the ocean with a tsunami-causing splash, William and Sid regrouped with Robyn, Meg and the citizens. William recovered his Omniblade, and Robyn retrieved the Charging Station with the Seeking Mechanism from under the sea, using it to reorient themselves before continuing onward.

Guardians of Terraria II: The World of CalamityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora