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Seven months later

It was now September, and Maya was nine months along, her feet were swollen and her attitude was moody as ever.

The morning sickness had let up, but mood swings were getting worse.

She was on her feet, and not in bed like the doctor had ordered, when she went into labor.

Her boyfriend's family and their friends were over for her baby shower, all laughing and talking and playing games.

That's when her water broke.

"Josh!" She screamed.

Everyone was in a panic, grabbing each other and rushing off to the hospital.

"It'll be okay, honey. I've had to do this twice before with Topanga," Cory said as he buckled himself in the front seat, Topanga in the passenger seat.

Josh, Auggie, and Ava were all in the back, trying to calm Maya as another contraction passed.

"I'm going to kill you, Matthews! Drive!" Maya screamed.

Josh screamed too; he was sure she had just broken his hand.

Cory apologized and stepped on the gas, speeding to the hospital.


"Name?" A nurse asked as they were trying to get to a room.

"Maya Hart. She's twenty-two years old and in labor. Can we hurry this up?" Topanga said as she looked over at Maya.

"Page Dr. Shepherd. We have a patient in labor," The nurse called over the intercom.

Dr. Shepherd came in and smiled at the large family.

"Only two people allowed in here. Three including me," he said.

"Josh, stay!" Maya yelled as another contraction hit.

All the others went into the waiting room where Josh's parents, his roommate Daniel, and the other friends, Zay and Isabella, were.

"Alright, let's deliver a baby!" Dr. Shepherd said.

Josh gulped. He was about to be a dad.


Four hours later, Josh carried into the hallway a white bundle in his arms.

The enormous Matthews family and the friends all stood up. They were all grinning.

"Everyone, weighing in at seven pounds and five ounces and twenty inches long, I'd like you to meet... Eleanor Anne Matthews. Ellie for short."

Everyone melted as the baby was passed around, cooing in her sleep.

"I'm a great-grandmother!" Amy said as she and Alan stared down at the newest addition.

Morgan passed her niece back to her little brother. "How's Maya?" She asked.

"She's asleep. Her heart stopped during the birth."

"When she was pushing?" His older brother Eric asked as he wrapped his arms around Farkle. He flinched and moved away from Eric.

"After Ellie was born. Luckily, the doctors were able to resuscitate her, and they say she'll be fine."

Cory nodded, smiling at his brother.

"Joshy, I'm so very proud of you. You will be an amazing dad to this little girl, I just know it!" He said as he wiped a tear from his eye and hugged his wife.

Josh smiled and rocked his daughter, who he already felt so much love for.

"So, does this mean I'll be the Godfather?" Zay asked. Isabella swatted his head.

Baby Mine: Joshaya fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now