Seven- Epilogue

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Seven years later

Ellie ran over to her mom, showing her the little ladybug she had caught.

"What do I do with it?" She asked.

Maya laughed. "Just go release it. It won't survive back at the house."

Ellie nodded and released the ladybug in the bushes at Topanga's.

Riley came out then, pushing Simon and Dawson, the two four year old twins, in their double stroller.

Lucas followed his wife, carrying baby Mackenzie on his chest in her carrier.

"Hey, are you having Ellie's birthday party tonight?" Riley asked.

Maya nodded. "She's getting so big. I wish Josh could see her grow up."

Riley sympathized with her best friend. "He was a good one. He was my favorite Uncle. He'd love Ellie."

Cory and Topanga came out then, and Topanga locked the bakery.

"Well, let's go party!" Cory said happily and put his niece on his shoulders.

Ellie laughed at her Uncle's silliness and screamed happily as Cory ran around with her on his shoulders.

They all made it back to Maya and Ellie's house where Amy, Alan, Auggie, Ava, and Farkle were waiting with his new girlfriend, Leah.

Zay and Smackle also arrived later with their two year old son, Bailey.

Everyone gathered around the dinner table to sing happy birthday to Ellie.

They all cut the chocolate cake afterwards and Ellie opened her presents.

The night finished with Shawn knocking on the door, struggling to keep his present quiet.

"Shawn! You made it!" Maya hugged her step-dad while Lucas set the present down.

Forgiveness was a hard thing to muster up, especially when the person who had wronged you had hurt you. But Maya learned to forgive him, and learned to love him as her stepdad once again.

He hugged her and smiled at everyone before calling Ellie over.

"Happy birthday, Sweet pea."

Ellie tore the top off of the present and a puppy tumbled out of the box, licking Ellie and wagging his tail.

"A puppy!" Ellie squealed as she rubbed her puppy's ears.

"Oh my goodness. He's so sweet, Ellie Anne!" Maya said and sat on the floor and started playing with the dog.

All the little kids, except Mackenzie since she was only two months old, played with the puppy that night.

Later, Maya sighed as she laid her head against Riley's shoulder.

They were sitting in the bay window at Cory and Topanga's house, in Riley's old bedroom. Nothing had changed there.

"Peaches?" Riley said.

"Hmm?" Maya mumbled. Her eyes were already closed and she was going to sleep already.

"Do you think Josh was there tonight?" She asked.

Maya smiled and looked at Riley.

"I do think he was. He wouldn't miss Ellie's birthday for anything."

Riley smiled.

"Us against the world?"

Maya smiled and locked pinkies with Riley.

"Yes. Us against the world."

Baby Mine: Joshaya fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora