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It had been two months since Maya had drunkenly slept with Josh.

He avoided her in the streets, and when they saw each other in classes, they didn't speak.

He had been kind of reclusive, profusely telling his niece that he would not be chauffeuring her and her friends around anymore; it was for the best.

But today, she was hanging her head in the toilet bowl, puking her guts out.

She'd been sick ever since she had slept with him, but passed it off as just a cold or something.

Riley stood outside the stall, daydreaming about Lucas.

"You want to go to the store later? I want some chips. There's none at our dorm."

"Sure," Maya replied before puking again.

She flushed, wiped her mouth with tissue paper, and opened the stall and washed her hands and face.

"Gum?" Riley offered.

She took it, placing it in her mouth.

She was loving the cherry-mint flavored gum right now. That and plain yogurt was the only things she seemed to be able to keep down.

"Thanks," she said.

Riley smiled and opened the bathroom door, before the girls made it to their classes.

After classes, Maya checked the time. 5:45 p.m.

The store would be closing in an hour.

"Riles, hurry up! We have to get to the store before it closes!" Maya yelled into Riley's room.

"Coming!" Sounded Riley from the bathroom.

"Oh, you're not even in your room," Maya grumbled.

The girls walked to the store, and greeted Mr. Ricardo who was bagging groceries for a customer.

"Hola, señoritas! What can I do for you?" He greeted with a friendly smile as the customer left the store.

"Hola, Mr. Ricardo! I just wanted to know if you had any Doritos?" Riley asked with wide eyes as she looked over his shoulder at the bags of chips on the stand behind him, next to pregnancy tests and condoms.

He nodded, rang it up with the money she handed him, and handed her a giant bag of chips.

"And what can I do for you, Miss Maya?" He asked.

She was staring at the pregnancy tests behind him. Her stomach dropped as she counted in her head. The last time she'd had her period was the week before Christmas Eve.

She hadn't even thought of her period.

"Miss Maya?" Mr. Ricardo asked.

"Uh... uh... uh..." she stuttered.

Riley and Mr. Ricardo scrunched their brows together and looked at the blonde girl in confusion.

"Peaches, are you okay?" Her best friend asked.

Maya snapped out of the stutter and looked at Mr. Ricardo.

"Could you please give me one of those tests? You know... those tests." She asked. Her heart was pounding and she wanted to cry; she was too young to be asking for things like that.

Sure, she was twenty-one and girls younger than her in high school were having babies, but she thought she had years before having a baby.

Mr. Ricardo grabbed one of the pregnancy tests, the most accurate, and rang it up.

"$12.00 Miss Maya. It's on the house, okay?" He flashed her a sympathetic smile.

She nodded, going to grab the bathroom key.

"I'll close the store now so you can have privacy. You know the way out. Adiós, muchachas."

He locked the front door before letting himself out.

The girls were left alone in the dark store.

Maya let out a breath and walked to the bathroom. She turned to her best friend before unlocking the door and stepping inside.

"I'll be out in a moment, Riles. Just... stay here." She shut the door with trembling hands.

After Maya peed on the stick, she let it sit on the counter and set a timer on her phone.

"10 minutes. Okay. Seems easy enough."

Those ten minutes were the longest of her life. She was pacing around, nerves getting the better of her.

Josh would surely hate her if she was really going to have his baby. She never imagined being a mom at twenty-one. Her mom had her at seventeen and knew how hard it was; she didn't want the struggle.

The timer went off, signaling that her life would either stay the same or change her life forever all due to the results on a flimsy stick.

Maya sighed, chanting over and over in her head for it to be negative and picked it up slowly.

She flipped it. Fell to her knees, sobbing.



The walk home was silent. Walking into the apartment on the university campus was silent.

Riley silently went to the kitchen to make dinner.

Maya went to her room and curled into a ball, before placing a hand on her stomach and crying. Sure, she had gained a little weight, but passed it off as just not having a good diet. The puking everyday was another thing, but she didn't really have anyone to teach her how to find out if you're pregnant or not so she passed it off as a cold or the flu.

Riley left her alone; she knew. But she also knew it wasn't a time for celebration, not yet anyway.

Maya didn't know how she'd raise a baby without a mother to guide her through it and help her. She wasn't married, either. She didn't know how to tell Josh. She was alone in this.

*Next Chapter will be a few week's time jump.*

Baby Mine: Joshaya fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now