The dagger and the owner part 2/2

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Veronica's POV

"Going on a mission behind my back?" Jason spoke with a hint of anger in his voice, I immediately knew I fucked up.

"Jason.. I.." was all I could say before he turned his back on me and walked away. I turned to look at Rachel who was already giving me an apologetic look.

"You should go talk to him, before he does something stupid out of anger.." Rachel replied and I nodded, quickly getting up from my seat to follow Jason.

"Jason wait.." I shouted as my voice echoed on the mansion's hallway's. He kept walking without looking back, ignoring every word coming out of my mouth.

By now Grayson, Kory and Donna were outside their rooms, seeing what the commotion was about.

"See, this is exactly why I don't tell you shit." I shouted, grabbing his full attention now.

"Oh yeah, totally, don't tell me when you go out on your fucking own to die. Specially with everything that's happening out there." He spoke sarcastically and he was right. I once again wanted to do everything on my own, but I had a reason and I couldn't tell anyone or else, they would pay the price for knowing.

"Fine, you're right. I should've told you and I'm sorry.." I replied, trying to hold the tears that kept piling up.

Even tho Jason knew that Bruce had giving me the mission of finding out more about the dagger, I never really told them I knew already what it was for, I was only playing along, the part that Hades told me to play a few nights ago, before threatening everyone I cared for and loved.

"It's Hades.." Rachel spoke and everyone's eyes were on me.

"Rachel.." I couldn't believe she threw me under the bus, my fear had come true.

"Hades? Does that asshole have you under his grip?" I heard Jason say, I could feel him step closer to face me. But all I could do is look at the ground, thinking how everything went from cero to a hundred in just a few days.

"No.." I lied, still facing the ground. 

"Veronica, you can't keep doing this alone." Rachel spoke and as soon as she placed her hand on my shoulder, my whole vision went black.

End of POV.

"She's out cold again! Take her to the lab, now!" Grayson shouted as Jason lifted Veronica into his arms and carried her to the lab.

"Rachel, do you know when this started happening?" Jason asked Rachel who was examining Veronica's status. She placed a hand on Veronica's forehead and quickly pulled her hand up in pain.

"It's him. He won't let me in.." She spoke and turned to answer Jason's question.

"She didn't say much, she only said he had been appearing in nightmares. But I never knew it was this bad until I felt his presence in the hallway." She finished and turned to look at Veronica once again. Trying to figure out a way to bring her back.

"Guys!! She's bleeding!" Rachel yelled as she looked at Veronica's bleeding abdomen.

"Veronica! Wake up! Fuck!! Wake up!! Damn it!!" Jason yelled shaking her shoulders hoping to get a grip of her. But nothing worked.

"Rachel!!" Greyson shouted as she tried once again to get in.

"I can't.. I'm sorry!" Rachel yelled as she struggled to get thorough.

Veronica's POV.

"Oh Veronica.." Hade's spoke, all I could see was darkness, here I was, once again.

I looked around, looking for him, following his voice as he spoke. I was prepared this time, I knew exactly what to do in order for this and him to go away. I held my dagger closely as I grabbed it from the inside of my jacket.

"I'm over here.." he spoke once again, fear was taking over me, but I wasn't going to let it get to me. That's what he wanted, control over  Zeus's daughter, revenge and the whole world burning. But I knew better, Jason and Rachel were right, I couldn't do this on my own, so someway I had to end it.

"Quit the theatricals Hades." I spoke again, not moving an inch. I was done with his games, he had me once on his grip, all because I let my guard down and forgot what I truly was capable of.

I could hear footsteps nearby, all the fear and helplessness I felt, was gone.

"I'm not scared of you, not anymore!" My voice echoed in the dark abyss he had me in.

"You should be, not for you, but your friends and dear Jason, one wrong move and they will all be gone, dead. And you will join me, with that dagger of yours, we can rule the world.." he spoke once again, now he stood in front of me.

"If I join you, will you leave my friends and Jason alone?" I spoke, I knew the answer to that already. He would lie and tell me everyone will be alright.

"Of course, you're the owner of the dagger now and with it comes great power, I can help you control it..." Lies was all he knew how to speak, but for a moment there, he had me once again.

"What's so powerful about this dagger?" I asked out of curiosity, maybe I could get some truth out of him, by playing his own twisted game.

He took a step forward and looked at the dagger I was holding tightly over my chest, then proceeded to speak.

"That dagger, was once mine.." He spoke, once again getting closer as I tried taking a step back.

"You see.." I felt paralyzed, I couldn't move. I had lost once again.

No matter how hard I tried to get my mind straight, he was more powerful than I was and before I could even think he had taken the dagger from me.

"I just needed you dead, distract everyone.. before the end." Were his last words before I felt the sudden sharp pain of the dagger.

I had lost once again...

To be continued....

Note: I really don't know where this is going, might change some things later, I don't know. I feel like it's missing something. Anyways I hope you all like and thank you for reading. ☺️✨

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