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It was a normal day for Veronica, she had celebrated her 19th birthday with her parents and then with some friends at her home in New York, other than having problems of her own she was satisfied with her life and her family. "Did you have fun?" Veronica's mother asked with a smile as she walked in to her room.

Her life was normal, apart from having unexplainable nightmares a few weeks before her birthday, but she took that as being too tired or not resting well enough because of her finals. "Yes! Thank you for today mom!" Veronica replied to her mother with a smile as she fixed the pillows in her bed to get some sleep.

"Well, if you need anything let me know, your dad is out buying somethings we need for the trip tomorrow." Her mother replied and before closing the door she smiled at her daughter. "Goodnight mom!" Veronica said before her mother left her to rest.

Veronica tossed and turned in her bed, she faced the ceiling and wondered in her thoughts, drifting slowly away.

Veronica's POV.

I spent my birthday like everyone else, I pretended and lied to my friends and family saying I was fine. But the truth is, I wasn't, two weeks before my birthday I started having nightmares, in those nightmares my parents kept dying, but always in different scenarios. I couldn't make any sense of it, I only had the bad feeling that came afterwards. I mean, dreaming about my parents death Two weeks in a row is haunting.

After my mother left my room, I got myself in bed and went through the pictures on my phone until I got bored and decided to get some sleep.

I ended up tossing and turning in my bed for a few long minutes until I finally fell deeply asleep. Only to find myself in my room, standing in the darkness, I could feel the atmosphere getting cold and then I heard it, my mother's scream and the faint echo of the tv on. My body shaking as I stumble towards the door, feeling goosebumps all over my body. "Mom?Dad?" I said but my voice could barely be heard as I poked my face out the door, looking at the hallway I heard glass shatter coming from the living room. In that moment, the fear I felt was overcoming all my senses.

"Hello?" I spoke once again, getting closer and closer until I saw it, a tall shadow, in the darkness of my living room, holding both of my parents by the neck and tossing them towards the windows.

I wanted to scream, but my voice appeared to have been taken, I was paralyzed wanting to run to them and then it faced me, it was too dark to see his face, the tall figure had nothing but a voice that said to me "I've been waiting for this moment Veronica." It's voice sounded monstrous and it made my knees go weak,  I wanted too run, but at this point it was useless, so I closed my eyes shut hoping for all to be a nightmare.

I woke up, in my bed, drenched in sweat and gasping for air, realizing I was having a nightmare in deed or so I thought. I looked at the clock and it was 4:35 am, I got up from bed and went to get myself some water, still shaken about that dream I had and then I saw them. My parents dead, in the middle of the living room.

" NO!No no no!!!" I screamed for them, tears running down my face as I held  their lifeless bodies in my arms, a pain and loss I wish to no one. Deep down I knew there was something more darker in the shadows and it came when I was the happiest. 

The cops came and questioned me, trying to pin it on me, but they clearly had no evidence, I tried explaining and even told them about my dream, but the wouldn't buy it, until I met Dick Grayson.

"Miss Levine?" The cop named Dick Grayson approached giving me an apologetic look.

After what I saw I couldn't speak, nobody would believe me and it also sounded too crazy for me, but I do know what I saw. Because I've been having those nightmares for two weeks except the monster didn't appear only this night, when it actually happened.

"Veronica.." Grayson spoke again, snapping me out of my shock. My parents were dead and I just wanted to die with them. "You wouldn't believe me.." I spoke as I faced the ground and hugged the blanket I had tighter. "Try me.." Grayson responded as he got on both knees to my level  and faced me.

I told him the whole story, every little detail and then he introduced me to this girl called Rachel who's father had haunted her for years but she defeated, they asked me to be part of their team, as they could help me find the truth to all this, to what really happened to my parents and what it has to do with me, I had nowhere to go now, the only family I had were dead and I needed to seek the truth.

"Welcome to the Titans, Veronica." And with that, my whole life changed and so did I.

To be continued..

Updated, I just felt like Veronica started with no background story. So yeah here it is, if anyone is reading thank you! I'll keep updating!even if I feel like in shouldn't even keep this story up. Happy birthday to me lol :)

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