The Dagger and the owner Part 1/2

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Three weeks had passed and Gotham was a war zone, the league of assassins were in every corner, rounding up as many hostages and killing those who didn't stay put. Veronica still had not confirmed if Hades was part of the problem either and that kept her awake at night. Dick Grayson, Donna and Kory were helping in the investigation as well.

"Jason.." Veronica spoke as Jason browsed through the bat caves computer for any new activities by the league of assassins, he stopped and turned to look at her, letting her know he was listening.

"What if we just run away?" Veronica spoke taking Jason by surprise, he smiled and placed both hands on her shoulders.

"What's actually wrong? I know things are chaotic out there but you're not someone who gives up easily.." She let out a sight thinking about leaving her friends and only family behind.

"I'm just scared of everyone getting hurt because of me.." she replied as she sat on the empty chair next to Jason.

"Listen, nobody is dying and if it happens it's not your fault, none of this is your fault. I know it sucks being dragged by something that happened before you were even born, but you're the strongest and most caring person I've known." He replied as he pulled her in to a hug.

Talking to Jason was the only thing keeping her on ground, she was mentally and physically drained by everything.

"You know I love you right?" She said before giving him a long and needed kiss.

"I know, I love you too and don't worry babe, everything will be back to normal soon.." He replied with a reassuring smile.

"I better go, Rachel and I were kinda in the middle of an investigation.." She replied looking at the time on her phone and left Jason to continue his research.

Veronica was a mess, Hades had been taking a toll on her, hunting her in her dreams and life. Everything was falling apart, but Jason kept her on ground, still not knowing she'd been having nightmares non stop and even encounters when no one was around.

Veronica's POV

I can't believe I lied, yet again, I was unable to tell anyone, even Jason my real worries. My nightmares and memories that don't even feel like mine, repeating and shouting for them to go away, to leave me alone. But yet I'm still here fighting a battle that wasn't supposed to be mine in the first place. It's not my fault I was born in to a fucked up god of war family.

"Are you okay?" I snapped back to my senses as I heard Rachel's concerning voice.

"Oh yeah, everything is peachy." I replied sarcastically, the only good thing was that I didn't have to pretend with Rachel, she knew everything and yet decided to keep it a secret because I begged her.

"Are you sure? I'm like one more "peachy" away from telling Jason." She teased, knowing the person I wanted to keep it mostly from was him. After what happened to him, I was not going to drag him any deeper.

"So, have you found anything yet?" I asked, we've recently found the truth behind the dagger I have and it just pointed to one person and that was Hades. 

"Actually, I did and that might be the only solution to our problems." Rachel replied as she showed me the information on her phone. Now a days you can find anything in this electronic devices.

"It says the dagger changes its purpose depending on its owner?" I read, but what the hell does that even mean, another dead end?.

Rachel was as confused as myself, but this information was new, so we had to investigate more until we find something more logical or at least with more information than just that.

"Can you get me the address of the person who wrote that?" I asked Rachel who was still reading the information.

"Gar is on it.." Her reply took me by surprised, I don't mind Gar knowing but, he sometimes just says a little too much.

"Don't worry, he knows not to tell anyone, specially Jason." Rachel said as if she'd read my mind.

"Good!" I replied, but was startled by a familiar voice, Jason's voice.

Just great, I knew I couldn't hide this from him for so long.

To be continued..

Note: Finally updated, this chapter is 2 parts. Thank you to my readers and I really appreciate the votes and views! It means a lot 🥹! Hopefully I'll post part 2 soon!

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