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A few hours had gone by and still no sign of Jason, Gar nor Bruce. Veronica was pacing back and forth in the Batcave debating  on weather or not going back, but before she could make up her decision, the doors to the Batcave opened, revealing Gar holding an injured Jason, she rushed to help with Rachel following behind. "It's just a scratch.." Jason joked. "Just a scratch? you need stitches.." Veronica replied as she examined his wounds carefully.

"Where's Bruce and what the hell happened out there?" Rachel asked Gar. "He ordered us to go back, he's probably fine." Gar answered, but Rachel knew something else was going on due to Gar's nervous behavior.

"There's something else isn't it?" She questioned, Veronica had finished taking care of Jason's wounds, placing down on the metal table the emergency kit she was using and turning her attention to Gar and Rachel. "We don't know exactly, everything happened so fast and he wasn't alone, someone else we've never seen before was with him." He finished. "What he mean's is, Ra's al Ghul wasn't working alone, someone new entered the scene." Jason spoke putting his shirt back on after Veronica bandaged his wounds.

They stood in silence while they waited for Bruce to arrive, but the longer he took, the more worried they all got. "Maybe we should go back and check on him.." Veronica spoke as she stood up from the chair. "No, it's too dangerous, Bruce can take care of himself." Jason replied as he signaled her to sit back down. After a few minutes, they all stood up as they heard the Batmobile making an entrance.

"Bruce, what the hell, you had us all worried.." Jason ran towards Bruce, he looked like he'd had a long fight, but his suit was without a scratch. "I need to talk to Veronica, alone.." Bruce replied as he took off his mask and turned to look at Veronica who only stared back with confusion.

Veronica's POV.

When Bruce said he needed to speak to me alone, I was honestly surprised, for all the time we've been here, we've only spoken a few and it was all about training.

I said nothing and stood there, waiting for the rest to leave, Rachel and Gar had left. But Jason was still besides me, arms crossed like his body wasn't hurt at all.

"Like I said, anything that has to do with you is my problem, always has." He whispered to me as he reached for my hand to hold and then looked at Bruce who cleared his throat to speak.

"Do you still have that dagger?" He spoke without hesitation. I quickly placed my hands in my pocket to feel the dagger still there as I nodded to Bruce's question.

"Good, that's our only chance." He replied, I still felt concerned, he had only just arrived and gave zero information on what happened. "Why?" I asked, a little skeptical, maybe Hades had gotten into his mind. I could feel Jason's glare, he was also feeling skeptical towards Bruce.

"Not even gonna tell us what happened first and why it's our only chance?" Jason asked letting Bruce he was on to him. "That dagger opened the Lazarus pit, we need to find answers and a solution fast!" Bruce replied without a hint of hesitation.

The whole situation was giving me a headache and Bruce wasn't helping, he never gave answers and that pissed me off. "Listen Bruce, this dagger belongs to me and if you're not giving us a clear answer or intel on what happened back there, I should not trust you." I finally spoke, the thing I hated the most was people trying to cover up things, it reminded me of Grayson and how he treated us Titans back then, it was the habit of keeping us in the dark.

A few seconds of silence and Bruce let out a sigh in frustration and ready to tell us everything.

"The league of assassins are working with another party, they are stronger and more powerful, we might even need the Titan's for this." He spoke taking a deep breath. " Just get to the point Bruce!" Jason spoke annoyed as I let out a glare, it wasn't the time to be mad at each other. 

"The point is, they almost got me, but Ra's al Ghul mentioned you and the dagger, how it was more powerful than you had thought, powerful enough to bring back the pit." He finished and now everything made sense, it was Hades, he was the one working with Ra's al Ghul.

To be continued...

A short update just to keep this going, please bare with me. And thank you to all who are reading it means a lot and keeps me going! Hopefully I'll update soon! 🫶💖

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