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The night sky became clearer as Veronica noticed Jason was escaping Gotham. She held on tight to his waist and watched Gotham disappear from her eyes, the only thing visible now was the empty road and the stars shinning brightly above them.

She gazed at Jason's back and wondered what was going through his mind, but left that question for later and enjoyed her peace. An hour passed and her peace was short lived as Jason made his way to the first gas station he saw on the side of the empty road.

"Wait here.." Jason said with a serious tone as he took off his helmet and headed to make a call far from her to hear.

She knew something was up, but her thoughts went straight to the man who she had encountered before everything happened, the way she felt, the fear and coldness. Something in her gut was telling her that things were about to get bad. She quickly snapped back from her thoughts as she heard Jason walking towards her, he handed her a bottle of water and leaned beside the gas bump facing her.

"What happened back there and why the hell were you there in the first place.." Jason finally spoke while he studied every facial expression she made to his sudden long question, making her rub the back of her head as she gave him an apologetic look. "I know I fucked up, but I also overheard two men talking about killing you after the deal.." She spoke as she faced Jason, his expression showed he already knew about that.

"This deal, was for us and you kind of fucked that shit up." Jason was angry, but looking at her sad and confused expression made him realized she was out in the dark the whole time. If it was the other way around he would've done the same for her, he knew things wouldn't be the same, but his feelings about her remained the same even after being away from her presence for two years. "Fuck.." Veronica spoke with regret written all over her face.

Jason got closer to Veronica, holding both of her hands up to his chest, making her face him, she felt embarrassed for ruining an important mission, she was showing weakness and she wasn't the type to show weakness, but since her dreams and now after what happened at the docks, she was feeling vulnerable and Jason noticed.

"I thought Grayson told you before letting you come here.." Jason said as her eyes widened in disbelief, he genuinely thought Dick at least told her about what really was happening in Gotham. He had enemies, that knew every single thing about him, his past, his love life, Robin, everything. They wanted him dead and Veronica would go down with him, not only because of their relationship, but her involvement in all of it.

"That asshole never tells me shit! " Veronica was mad, but she knew that part of it was her fault, she was the one keeping herself in the dark after all and that thought made her regret pushing the Titans away in the first place, even if she was reunited with Jason, she still wished Gar and Rachel were with her.

"What a Dick, right?" Jason joked trying to brighten up the mood for Veronica and she let out a laugh at his joke but the laughter faded away, interrupted by Jason's phone ringing, his expression changed completely as he looked at the screen and answered.


"I don't get orders from you!"

"Yeah, whatever Grayson."

Jason seemed mad and Veronica knew something was up the minute she heard Greyson's name. "What the hell is going on Jason?" Veronica asked, Jason hesitated and tried avoiding answering the question himself. "Not now.." Jason responded, avoiding eye contact and Veronica was having none of it.

"NO! You're going to explain now!" Veronica was no longer letting herself be kept in the dark and if he talked to Grayson it meant something was up, Jason knew she wasn't going anywhere unless he explained the whole situation or at least some of it, so he hesitated for a bit and turned his gaze at her while taking a deep breath.

"I forgot how persistent you were.." Jason spoke, Veronica rose a brow at him, confused about his sudden remark.  "I was doing fine, honestly, but then the day you found out I was alive, Grayson called." Jason continued getting Veronica's full attention.

"He told me you were having nightmares and losing your shit, so I came with a plan to get my freedom." He continued, turning his gaze to her, her eyes showed guilt and she blamed her impulsive behavior.  "That's not all, Rachel found something about you, the same day you arrived at Gotham and that's why we are going to Los Angeles, to the Titans." He finished handing Veronica her helmet so they could leave the gas station.

"And Grayson has the answers, I guess.." Veronica replied as she took the helmet from Jason's hand and placed it on her head. They left the gas station, but Veronica couldn't stop feeling guilty or even confused about the whole situation, the fact that Jason was even trying to get back to her and she ruined everything, haunted her.


Gar was at the sofa, playing some video games while Rachel sat beside him and watched with boredom.

"Jason and Veronica are on their way here.." Grayson spoke as he entered the living room and sat beside the two of them, getting both Gar and Rachel's attention.

Grayson knew that one day Veronica would find out about Jason, like he also knew she would go to Gotham and succeed on bringing him back. The only thing he couldn't catch up to was what Rachel had seen in her dreams the day Veronica left the tower.

"So it's go time.."Gar spoke, his eyes still fixated on the game, but fully aware of his surroundings.

"We need to talk to her, see if she's been experiencing anything abnormal." Grayson continued while Rachel got lost in her thoughts.

Since the night Veronica left, Rachel was having nightmares that weren't even her own, everything in her nightmares pointed to her best friend Veronica and they couldn't do anything or find the source unless she was in the tower, Rachel hated invading her privacy, but she needed to get inside her mind.

To be continued..

Hey, honestly I have no idea where I'm going with this story, but it will surely go somewhere lol If anyone is reading, thank you so much. I'll probably update later at night or this week. :)

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