Sua was driving and Yoohyeon was riding shotgun. Everyone put their seatbelts on and Yoohyeon showed the way towards the site of her and Minji's first date.

It was a fun ride. They all sang songs and annoyed Sua so much that she had to do a few stops to calm down and smoke. No one other than Siyeon knew that she was actually a smoker too. The look on Gahyeon's face was priceless. She looked so disgusted but what's funnier is that she used to smoke as well. Her bipolar was showing.

They took a total amount of 10 stops. It was already 6 PM and it had just started to rain. They had left the car to explore the forest a little bit so they were about to get completely wet. Only Dami and Handong were the smart ones to bring an umbrella so the others had to run for their lives to hide under a tree for a moment.

Yoohyeon and Siyeon were together under the same tree while the others were still running around to try find shelter. Suddenly Yoohyeon remembered that there was an abandoned small house near their location. She pulled Siyeon with her because she felt a bit scared to go alone since it was getting dark. And to her surprise, the abandoned house wasn't exactly abandoned anymore - it was now a small motel!

Siyeon called the others while Yoohyeon was trying to figure out how to persuade the receptionist to let them sleep for free because they didn't have enough money for 4 rooms since Sua had to stop near every single gas station she saw to buy something. All the girls went inside and tried to dry themselves on the radiators.

"Can we please stay in for just 100 000₩(≈100$)? We didn't get a lot of money so please just for tonight? - Yoohyeon pleadingly asked the woman working there but she just shook her head.

"I'm sorry young one, there's just one room available and it's a couple room." - The lady showed her the list with rooms and Yoohyeon sighed. They had no choice but to get that room for a few people while the others sleep in the car. 

Dami, Handong, and Gahyeon got the room while Yoohyeon, Sua and Siyeon were in the car. The three girls made their way to the car and thankfully Sua left the AC working so the car was warmed up. The poor battery though..

They were sitting in silence for a while until Siyeon finally decided to speak up and ask a few questions before the big day tomorrow.

"Do you have any plans after you finally see her?" - Siyeon asked curiously.

"I do. First, I think I should just talk to her and try to remember stuff about our past and how things were. Second, I might just ask her why she broke up with me instead of waiting for me to wake up." - Yoohyeon calmly said that. Sua and Siyeon sadly looked at her, but the latter was just going through a lot of stuff and didn't know how to feel.

She learned so much about her past for this past week and it's not surprising that she's feeling weird about all of this. Her forgetting her closest friends, not remembering her own sister and the woman she was in love with - it was a bit too much for her. And not to say how her own mother wasn't there for her when she needed her the most. She never was there for her anyway, so it didn't really matter to her that much.

Sua patted Yoohyeon head, confusing the latter. Siyeon just gave her a thumbs up and said that no matter the outcome, her friends will always be there for her, just like how Yoohyeon was always there for them. With that said, Yoohyeon wondered how the duo got together because she can't seem to remember properly. Siyeon smiled and prepared herself for a loooong storytelling.


It was Sua and Minji's graduation day in highschool. Siyeon and Yoohyeon were their juniors and they just attended the event so they can see them in their graduation gown. When the event was done, Sua made her way towards the two and smiled happily.

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