A Flamboyant Scent

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Ladybug and Cat Noir run to each other to group up.

"Good job getting everyone out of here." Ladybug tells Cat Noir with a smile.

"Thanks, I'm glad you came here. So, what's the plan?" Cat Noir asks his partner as Princess Fragrance starts to recover from Ladybug's sneak attack.

Ladybug thinks about what she can turn into for a minute before an idea comes to mind after remembering Mrs. Mendeleiev's lesson.

"Yeah, I think I know what I can turn into without using the Lucky Charm this time. However, it's going to be pretty destructive." Ladybug tells him while winching as she thinks about part of the hotel being blown up or on fire.

"I mean, your last power fixes everything, right? So, I think it'll be safe to use here." Cat Noir tells her before remembering the civilians.

"I can try to lead the ones mind controlled away if that's what you're worried about." Cat Noir tells her.

Ladybug nods thankfully toward him with a smile.

"Thanks, that'll definitely help me a lot." She tells him.

Cat Noir looks at Princess Fragrance as she finally recovers and shouts.

"Hey, Princess Fragrance, it must be hard having to control people to make them like you!" Cat Noir yells at her, causing Princess Fragrance to get angry.

"How dare you? I can get people to like me without my perfume!" Princess Fragrance shouts at him indignantly.

"Oh, then why don't you prove it, release them from your spell, and try to make them still fight for you." Cat Noir orders while pointing at the girl.

Princess Fragrance was about to accept his proposal, but Hawkmoth quickly stopped her.

"Don't do it, Princess Fragrance. If you do, you'll be fighting both of them alone. They don't want to harm the ones you control, and that's why they're trying to make you give up your control." Hawkmoth warns her sternly.

Princess Fragrance grits her teeth and looks like she's debating with herself about what to do. The heroes are tense and have been ever since they saw the butterfly outline appear over her face. After a few seconds, Princess Fragrance accepts Hawkmoth's words, albeit reluctantly, and says.

"My subjects, attack that rebellious animal for what he said to your princess and make him pay for getting in our way." Princess Fragrance orders her minions while angrily pointing at Cat Noir.

The mob charge at Cat Noir, who quickly looks at Ladybug.

"Good luck!" He shouts before running for a stairwell with the mob chasing after him.

Princess Fragrance glares at Ladybug, who decides to try and appeal to the person under the magic.

"Rose, I know you don't want to do this. Please try and fight Hawkmoth's control." Ladybug begs the girl with pleading eyes.

"There is no Rose. There is only Princess Fragrance." Princess Fragrance tells her as she aims her perfume gun at Ladybug and fires.

Ladybug dives out of the way and immediately shouts.


Magic glows around her, and she changes into her sunny seams costume. Princess Fragrance shoots another blast of perfume, but Ladybug throws a fireball at the attack and causes it to explode. The force of the explosions scorches the area covered in gas and blasts them both backward slightly. Ladybug manages to stay standing, but Princess Fragrance falls to the ground. Princess Fragrance quickly sits up with a shocked expression and shouts.

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