Chapter 20

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It was midday and Leylani was being fitted into an auburn gown. Victoria's eyes were focused as she poked and prodded at Leylani, trying to find the best fit. Nikolai lounged on the couch, a frown on his face. He had been ranting all day to anyone who would listen that Leylani and he were not siblings and never would be. Leylani had to admit, even she found the idea revolting. She was in love with Nikolai, who was already engaged. If she and he were to become siblings that would only add salt to the wound.
"Can't you talk to dad?" Nikolai asked his mother for the hundredth time.
Victoria threw the pair of scissors she held across the room. Nikolai ducked just in time, hiding behind the couch. The blade whooshed through the air and stuck into the wooden trim on the wall. Leylani hid a grin as Nikolai peered over the couch, his icy eyes wide with fright.
"For the last time, Nikolai. Your father won't listen. He's got his head set to adopt Leylani. For the record, this could have been avoided, had you been a little less obvious."
Even Leylani looked up.
Victoria's gaze traveled from Nikolai to Leylani, an annoyed frown on her face. "I swear you two are perfect for eachother. Tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass," she whispered to herself, but Leylani heard.
She doubled over in laughter. Victoria shrieked as some of the pins came loose. "Don't move, Leylani!" She grabbed the folds of fabric before they could unravel completely. Nikolai came to the rescue, helping his mother place every pin back in its place.
"Back to the question," he said.
Victoria rolled her eyes. "You're as hard headed as your father." She sighed, her shoulders sinking in defeat. "Fine, you win. Nikolai, you're very obvious when it comes to your feelings, especially your feelings regarding Leylani. Even a blind man can see how much you love her. Unfortunately, for you, Mr. Dion sees how much you care for Leylani. He's your fiance's father, so it's only natural for him to get upset when his daughter is hurting. He suggested to your father that he adopt Leylani so your feelings for her would disappear."
A multitude of emotions rolled over Leylani. She didn't know which one to focus on, so naturally she exploded. "How dare he pity his daughter? She cheated on Nikolai many times, it's only natural that he would lose feelings for her!"
Victoria placed a hand on her shoulder, but made no move to stop her.
"Not only that, she's vile and cruel! She made my life a living hell. Nikolai can attest to that," Leylani continued, her blood boiling as she recalled all of the torment Kiera put her through. Kiera abused her physically, broke her mentally, and drained her emotionally, leaving her lifeless.
Nikolai cringed at her outburst and Leylani noticed. In an instant guilt consumed her. "I didn't mean it like that, Nikolai," she said, knowing he probably felt bad for all the times he didn't stand up for her. It wasn't his job to. He shouldn't feel guilty.
"I know, darling. Sometimes I just wish I could go back in time and stop her early on. I wasn't even in love with you back then, I don't know why she always had it out for you."
A knock on the door caught the trio's attention. Richard stood by the door. "Nikolai, Mr. Gotti and Mr. Dion request your presence." The door flew open all the way, revealing Kiera. Richard rolled his eyes behind her back to let the trio know he didn't invite her.
Nikolai tensed, his gaze hard. "I'm coming."
Kiera reached out for him as he passed, but he paid her no mind, shrugging away from her outstretched hands. He followed Richard through the doors and down the hall. He turned, giving Leylani a small smile as he disappeared from view.
Leylani stared at Kiera, hatred bubbling in the pit of her stomach. Kiera glared right back. Victoria broke the tense silence. "So, Kiera, have you decided on a gown?"
Leylani looked to Victoria. Gown? What for? Speaking of gowns, Leylani forgot to ask Victoria why she was being fitted. Kiera's gaze traveled to the far right of the room, where an emerald gown was draped on a mannequin. Leylani recognized the gown. It was the one Victoria draped over her many months ago.
"I just did. That one over there is perfect." Kiera made her way to the dress, her eyes shining with greed.
"I'm glad you think so. Leylani will look stunning in it as she's the one it's made for," Victoria said.
Kiera's eyes flashed. "This gown is too fancy for her. She's not used to wearing such expensive dresses. I think something from the thrift store will suit her just fine. I'll take this one." She began unbuttoning the gown.
"I believe Madam Victoria told you that the gown belongs to Leylani. I suggest you remove your filthy hands, little girl."
Leylani smiled as Massimo entered the room, wearing an emerald blazer over his shirtless body. She tried not to ogle at him as he stood toe to toe with Kiera. His back muscles tensed as he stared Kiera down.
"You've got some drool, honey," Victoria whispered.
Leylani's face blazed. She wiped at her face but it was dry. She threw Victoria a dark look, but Victoria only grinned at her.
"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to?" Kiera said, her attitude flaring.
Leylani stepped off the stool and stormed towards Kiera, her temper rising.
"We've talked about this before, Kiera. Mind your tone when you speak to Massimo. He is your superior, not the other way around."
Kiera scoffed. "Look at you now. You're all cocky now that you're the heir, but don't forget where you came from. Before Nikolai paid any attention to you, you were nothing more than my bitch."
Leylani smiled. "You're right, but now you're mine." Like Massimo had trained her, she grabbed Kiera's arm, twisted her body around, and slammed her into the ground, knocking her pale chin onto the floor. Kiera's chin split open and she let out an ear splitting scream as her blood seeped the carpet beneath her.
"No!" Victoria cried. She rushed over to the duo, her hands fluttering. "My Persian carpet!"
Massimo let out a booming laugh. "Don't worry, auntie. I will buy you another one for your birthday." He turned to Kiera, an annoyed frown on his face. "Shut up, little girl. Your voice is giving me a headache. Now I know why Nikolai loathes you. Get up and go to the medic."
Leylani released Kiera, keeping a wide berth in case she sprung. As much as Leylani was itching for a fight, she didn't want to risk tearing the gown Victoria was draping on her. It was crazy how much of a confidence boost she'd had since joining the Gotti's. Had she been in school, Kiera would be wiping the floor with Leylani's bloody face by now.
Kiera stood up, her fists trembling. "I'm going to kill you."
"I will let that one slide, but remember as the new heir to the Gotti family, one word from me and I'll have you hung," Leylani said. "I'm not the girl I used to be. It would be in your best interest to remember that. If not, you may just find yourself six feet under." Leylani meant every word. She wouldn't allow anyone to walk over her anymore. She was done being silenced.
Kiera's eyes widened at the authority in Leylani's tone. She knew Leylani was serious. With one last scowl, she stormed out of the room, clutching her bleeding chin.
Victoria sighed as she eyed her rug. "As proud as I am of you, love, please prepare yourself for retribution. My husband and Mr. Dion are partners after all, neither will take lightly to you harming Kiera."
"Kiera abused me for years. It's only fair I repay the favor. If Mr. Dion tries anything, I'll ruin him."
Massimo chuckled. "I'm impressed, love. It seems the Gotti gene is awakening inside of you. Looks like you were born for this life. This calls for a celebration."
"Speaking of celebrations, what do you think of this dress, Leylani? I've made it for you to wear to Nik–" Victoria began but Massimo cut her off.
"Come, love, let's go have some pancakes."
"It's three in the afternoon," Leylani said.
"Congratulations, you can tell time," Massimo said.
Leylani smacked his arm, but followed him out the door.
"Wait a minute. Give me your blazer, Massimo. I don't want it getting ruined," Victoria said, helping Massimo shrug out of his blazer.
Once again, Leylani's heart took off as his magnificent body stood before her. God definitely took his time creating Massimo. Leylani was sure he was meant to be a Greek god, but somehow landed in the Gotti household. Victoria helped him into a plain cotton shirt then gently pushed him, ushering him out the door.
The two walked down the hall in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Just last night, Leylani had thought she would never see Massimo again and yet here she was, hours later, having pancakes with him. It was bittersweet being with him. She was happy he was in her life but in the end, the Gotti's won and now she was one of them.
"How are you, Massimo?" Leylani asked, eying his bruised knuckles.
"I'm conflicted," he said, leading her to the barstool in the kitchen.
"How so?"
"I am disappointed that you didn't get to escape, but I'm also glad you were caught. My selfishness outweighs my selflessness. Even though I know you're not happy here, I'm at ease knowing I will get to see you everyday."
Leylani's body went up in flames as Massimo casually proclaimed his affections. Her heart drummed in her chest as his gaze met hers. A soft, beautiful smile sat on his full lips. No, Leylani. Don't you dare fall for him! Isn't it bad enough that you're in love with an engaged man? You'll only hurt yourself and Massimo if you fall for him too.
And yet as she chanted this in her mind, her heart skipped a beat, as the sun's golden rays illuminated his olive skin, and gray eyes. Massimo was truly a magnificent man. Both his beauty and soul were hypnotizing and Leylani feared she would lose the internal battle raging inside of her.
"Enough about me," he said as he took out cooking utensils. "How are you, love? I'm sure you must be feeling disappointed."
"Not, exactly, no. I'm happy that I'm safe and sound and have a family who I know will always have my back. I'm just disappointed in the manner I ended up with this family."
"Do you think you will ever forgive him?"
"I forgave him long ago. I just didn't realize it. Nikolai shouldn't have done what he did, but he was weak. He's redeemed himself. He went against his father and family just for me. I know that couldn't have been easy. Even though neither of us won, at least we were able to meet in the middle."
Massimo mulled over her words. "Most girls would have set the house on fire by now just to make a statement, but you're too tame. I don't know if that's such a good thing, especially in this family."
"Losing control won't do me any good. Besides, we all know that revenge never brings us peace. It just adds fuel to the fire." Leylani sighed then looked up as Massimo's comment finally made its way into her brain cells. "What girls would set a house on fire?" She laughed at his ridiculous assumption.
He looked her over, his eyebrows raised. "Oh, love, you have no idea. Two of my exes tried to set my house on fire, Nikolai's girlfriend back in Italy tried to as well, and Uncle's old college classmate  managed to set his estate on fire. Funny enough she perished in the very fire she set."
What the hell is wrong with this family? "Do I even want to know the backstory to any of these?"
Massimo thought for a moment. "No, probably not."
Kiera stepped into the kitchen just as Massimo put two stacks of fresh pancakes on the counter. Leylani hid a grin as she saw Kiera's bandaged chin, but her amusement faded away as Mr. Dion and Mr. Gotti followed behind her.
Mr. Gotti gave her a look and shook his head ever so slightly, letting her know not to say a word.
"Miss Garcia," Mr. Dion began.
"Gotti," Massimo said.
Mr. Dion regarded him carefully. Massimo wasn't phased. "It's Gotti, not Garcia. She's the new heir, in case anyone forgot. It'd be best if you started calling her by her proper name. She's going to be your boss one day, afterall."
Mr. Gotti turned away hiding his smile. Even Leylani couldn't fight back her smile. Massimo was fearless. She stared at him in awe as he stood unwavering in front of Mr. Dion and Kiera, whose eyes were practically spitting fire.
"Ms. Gotti," Mr. Dion said, throwing Massimo a meaningful look. "It seems that my daughter and you had a little misunderstanding."
"Misunderstanding? She split my chin open!" Kiera cried.
"Damn right, she did," a new voice said. Nikolai hopped onto the counter, beside Leylani, his eyes full of pride.
"Nikolai, it's impolite to find amusement in your fiance's suffering," Mr. Gotti said.
"I agree. She is going to be the mother of your children one day. I don't think it would sit well with them to know their father cared so little for his wife," Mr. Dion said.
Nikolai stiffened. "I only have to marry her. We are not going to have children."
"The contract says –" Kiera began but Mr. Gotti spoke up.
"Excuse me, but Nikolai is correct. The contract says the two will be wed in order to keep our families and businesses united, but there isn't anything about children. Nikolai isn't obligated to – er – procreate with Kiera."
Leylani's face blazed at the context of the conversation. Even Massimo shifted, embarrassed as well. Kiera's hysterical shrieking shifted the awkward atmosphere.
"The whole point of the marriage contract is to have children! What's the point of us getting married if we're not going to have kids?"
"Business," Nikolai said.
Mr. Dion was quiet, his gaze shifting from Kiera to Leylani to Nikolai. Leylani recognized the look in his eyes right away. It was the same way her father looked at her whenever she told him they were a few dollars short on the rent.
Richard came into the kitchen, holding a phone in his hand. "Excuse me. Mr. Gotti, Mr. Dion, your plane has arrived."
Mr. Gotti turned to Massimo, Leylani, and Nikolai. "I am going on a business trip with Mr. Dion for a few days. I'll be back in time for the celebration this Saturday. Take care of yourselves and stay out of trouble." He gave Nikolai a meaningful look then followed Richard out of the room.
Mr. Dion gave his daughter a hug. "I'm sure it was an accident, cupcake. I don't think Ms. Gotti meant to harm you." Venom dripped with every word he spoke and his dark gaze landed on Leylani.
Leylani knew what that look meant. Vengeance. This wasn't over. Not for him at least. He was going to come at Leylani with everything he had, but she was ready. Leylani Garcia Gotti wasn't afraid of anyone. Not anymore.
As soon as the men left, Massimo turned to Kiera, his eyes shining with amusement. "Aw, did you go tell your daddy that you got a little boo boo?"
Nikolai howled with laughter.
"Shut up, Massimo. I wouldn't be talking if I was you," Kiera said then turned to Nikolai. "What's this nonsense about not having kids?"
Nikolai shrugged, taking a bite of Leylani's pancakes. Massimo reached over and pulled the plate away from him. "Your old man convinced my dad to sign that stupid contract, but it's not my fault he forgot to mention children."
Kiera was furious. The veins in her forehead were bulging. She opened her mouth but words failed her.
"Kiera, trust me, the world would be a better place without little versions of yourself running around," Massimo said.
Kiera snapped, her rage finally spewing over. "Oh that's rich coming from you. Why don't you go back to torturing your dad, you freak!"
Leylani's stomach lurched. Torturing his dad? What was Kiera talking about? Massimo froze. Nikolai jumped off the counter, his hands outstretched as if to stop Massimo.
"Get out of here, Kiera. Before you make things worse," Nikolai said.
"Oh, so it's okay for him to make fun of me, but I take one shot at him and it's a problem. Please, I'm just getting started. Why don't you go cry to your mommy? Oh wait, you can't, she's rotting six feet under!"
Massimo lunged at her. Nikolai jumped in the middle, tackling him to the ground. "Don't do it, Massimo. She's a woman. If you hurt her, our families will go to war. We can't have that."
While Massimo battled against Nikolai's vice grip, Leylani was on her feet, storming towards Kiera.
There was no voice in her mind telling her to stop as she ran towards Kiera. There was only one thing on her mind. Blood. Leylani threw her fists out, trying to make contact, but someone grabbed her and pulled her away before she could land a hit.
"Don't do it, Leylani. That's what she wants. If you hit her again, Mr. Dion will retaliate and I'm not sure we'll survive," Victoria whispered.
Leylani didn't have the faintest idea when Victoria entered, but she found herself airborne as Victoria and Richard dragged her out of the kitchen and into a neighboring bedroom. "Let me go," Leylani said, her voice trembling. How dare Kiera speak ill of Massimo's mother? How dare she disrespect the dead?
"Please, Leylani. I'm begging you. Stop it." Victoria pulled her into a hug.
Leylani hadn't realized she was crying util the sound of her frustrated sobs filled the room. "I hate her, I hate her, I hate her," she said through her tears.
"I know, love. We do too, but we can't go back in time and change the past. Kiera and Mr. Dion will be tied to the Gotti family for eternity whether we like it or not."
Leylani fought to catch her breath as her sobs racked through her chest. Victoria tightened her hold, stroking her back.
"Let it out. It's okay, I'm here."
Finally Leylani was able to calm down. She pulled away and wiped her tears away, embarrassed. For some reason, her anger and hurt activated her tear ducts. Richard led her to the chair by the window then left. Victoria took a seat across from her, skimming through a leather bound journal. Leylani recognized the faded leather. It was Nikolai's.
"I always wondered who these poems were about. He had a phase about two years ago where he would write poems about a chocolate eyed girl. I always thought it was Kiera, but now I know it's you."
Leylani looked up, shocked. "N-No. Nikolai and I met almost a year ago. It can't be me."
"Oh, Leylani. He may not have been in love with you back then but he always had his eye on you. I think that's why he chose you. He needed an escape and what better person to pick than the one who had caught his eye." Victoria trailed off, her brows furrowed. "I don't know whether that is romantic or psychotic."
"Both," Richard said coming back into the room. He handed Leylani her journal. "After all, love makes us psychotic, doesn't it?"
Leylani gave him a weak smile as she took her journal. Richard was right. Love did make you crazy. Sometimes it made you do stupid things like spray paint a rooftop or attack a girl who brought tears into your loved ones eyes.
Some die for you
Some even kill for you
But me?
I run from you
You are nothing but a four letter lie
Who has only one thing on his mind
To watch my blazing heart, die

It was late at night. The only ones awake in the Gotti household were ghosts and those whose hearts were filled with guilt. Victoria knocked on Massimo's door, as notes of his heartbroken melody floated through the halls.
"Come in," he called.
Victoria entered, giving him a warm smile. "It's quite a beautiful piece. What do you call it?"
"Really? Why?"
Massimo looked away from his aunts penetrating gaze and stared out the window at the inky black sky. "I pity him. The one he loves is right in front of him and yet he can't be with her."
Victoria laughed a bitter laugh. "He wouldn't be the only one."
"What do you mean?"
"Come now, Massimo. I hope you don't think so little of me and assume I wouldn't notice. I know you've fallen for her as well. I don't blame you. There's something about those that are broken beyond belief but still fight that captivates all of us."
"Leylani isn't broken."
"Maybe not, but she's certainly not okay. It will take her time to heal, to grow, to adjust. This is why I came to talk to you."
"How can I be of service?"
"My husband and I want you to take her under your wing. Spend time with her, continue tutoring her, and befriend her. She needs to be strong if she wants to survive."
"Leylani is stronger than most of us combined."
"She has a weakness though,"
"What would that be?"
"Nikolai. She's fallen for him as well. To make matters worse, his formal engagement party is this Friday."
Massimo didn't say anything. He imagined Leylani, all dressed up with nowhere to go. The man of her dreams was right in front of her, but she'd be forced to watch him exchange rings with someone else.
"Why did you stop me earlier today?" Victoria asked.
"I don't want Leylani knowing about the party until the day of."
"She just started smiling again. I'd hate to see her fade away right when she started healing. If she knows about the party, she'll be upset all week. I don't want her to spend the first days of her new life as a Gotti with a frown on her face."
"I understand." Victoria took a seat next to Massimo, running a hand through his wavy locks. "I need you to promise me something."
"Anything, auntie."
"Catch her when she falls."
"I will. I always will."

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