Chapter 9

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Leylani never in her wildest dreams thought she'd be the leader of a gang and yet here she sat, at the head of the table, surrounded by her new family, who would die for her in a heartbeat and kill for her in an instant.

Nikolai's grip on her shoulders tightened, awakening her from her thoughts. "Well, darling? What do you say? Should we go to war?"

Leylani hesitated. On one hand, she knew violence would solve nothing, but on the other, she knew that any decision not involving bloodshed would cause mockery. She settled on an answer that had her thoughts intertwined with Nikolai's. "Why waste resources on a war when we can send a message instead?"

"What kind of message?" Mr. Gotti asked.

Leylani gulped as everyone's attention turned to her. "Take more than what they took from you. They stole your drug shipment, so you burn theirs."

"Burn it?"

"Not only will they lose money, but they will lose their product as well. You don't want to exchange equal blows. Hurt them more than they hurt you. This way, they know not to cross you again." She threw a glare at Nikolai as she said this. He narrowed his eyes in return.

Massimo's deep chuckle vibrated through her body, raising goosebumps on her arms. "I like this one, uncle. She is intelligent. Nice choice, Nikolai."

Mr. Gotti's gaze wandered from Massimo to Leylani. A slow smile spread across his lips. "Indeed, she is. Everyone you may leave. Massimo, stay behind. I need to have a word with you."

Nikolai held out a hand for Leylani. She took it, not meeting his eyes. Unlike before, when butterflies erupted in her stomach at the smallest of his touches, she felt nothing but repulsion now. She wanted to wrench her hand away and scream at Nikolai, hurl insults at him, even strike him, but she knew she didn't stand a chance against him. How could he do this?

He ruined her life. Leylani always thought Kiera was the monster, and that Nikolai was nothing more than a mere puppet, but she had been wrong. Nikolai was a master manipulator who was pulling the strings all along. He never thought of her as a friend, not even a charity case. She had always been a game piece for him. Someone to free him from his own chains.

As soon as they left the room, Leylani pulled her hand away and ran down the halls, heading back to her life of abuse and neglect. She would rather walk around with switchblades, cuts on her backs, and quarters in her pocket than live in this mansion surrounded by sinful money and bloodshed. Nikolai grabbed her arm before she could wrench the doors open.

"Where do you think you're going?" he seethed.

She fought to free herself from his hold. He grabbed her shoulders and held her against the wall, immobilizing her. Leylani looked up, meeting his distant gaze. Those enchanting blue eyes that once captivated her now frightened her. She had the answer to her poem now. Nikolai Gotti was a sinner, not a savior.

"Let me go," she whispered.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, darling. If I let you go, the Gotti family will go down as well, and I can't let that happen."

"I won't tell anyone." Leylani's voice cracked as her emotions got the best of her.

"Your words mean nothing to me."

Leylani freed herself and shoved him away. Nikolai fell back, tripping over his long limbs. He looked at her, shock etched into his features. She kneeled down to look him in the eyes.

"My words aren't true enough for you, but Kiera's are? She who has broken your heart and trust repeatedly is the one who you'll believe, but not me? The girl who blindly followed you into the line of fire based solely on her faith and trust in you?"

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