Chapter 7

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Quick announcement. If you are willing to be an ARC reader for my upcoming novel, "Save Me", please leave your email address below. In a nutshell, it's a bad boy/ good girl arranged marriage book. Thank you!


"You owe me a date," Nikolai said as the two sat on the balcony, putting together a three hundred piece puzzle.

Leylani's heart skipped a beat. "I know. I'll take you out tonight."

"Where are we going to go?"

"You'll see."

Nikolai pouted. "Tell me."


"Pretty please."

"Adding pretty won't help."

Nikolai grabbed her hand and lifted her chin, so her gaze met his. "Please, Leylani." His eyes smoldered darkly as he stared at her.

Leylani lost her train of thought as he stared at her. He's so beautiful. She blinked, coming back. She snatched her hand out of his hold and moved her face away. "Nice try, Nikolai, but I won't fall for that."

Nikolai laughed. "You're a tough one, aren't you?"

Leylani shrugged. A knock on the door caught their attention. It was Mr. Gotti. He motioned for Nikolai to follow him. It was like a flip switched. Nikolai's eyes lost their playful spark. His relaxed body tensed. His muscles coiled in response to his father's appearance.

"I'll see you tonight, Leylani," Nikolai said. He squeezed her shoulder, then left, trailing after his father.

Leylani stared after them. Where were they going? Why did Nikolai react like that?

"His father is training him to take over the family business," Victoria said as she sat in Nikolai's chair.

"He doesn't seem too thrilled about it,"

Victoria shrugged. "It's his fate."

Leylani wanted to pry but stopped herself, not wanting to cross the invisible line. She and Victoria worked on the puzzle, making small talk. Leylani glanced at the clock. It was already noon. She needed to go to work. "I'll see you tomorrow, Victoria. I have to go to work."

"Are you sure you're fit to work? Your back is still in pretty awful shape," Victoria said, her eyes filled with worry.

Leylani nodded. "I'll be okay. Thank you."

She left the Gotti household, heading back to reality. When she was inside the walls of the mansion, she felt like she was in an alternate reality, where she was fed, valued, and cared for. As soon as she stepped out, the world's cold air would wash over her, reminding her that this was all temporary. Eventually, the Gotti's would tire of her and throw her away. Until then, she would cherish every moment.



"Up here."

Nikolai's head popped up as he climbed the last steps of the ladder. "So, this is your idea of a date?"

Leylani watched with a smile as he looked around, his eyes wary. "Afraid of heights?" she asked.

Nikolai chuckled. "I'm not afraid of anything."

"Is that why you can't move?"

Nikolai's cheeks burned. "You got me."

Leylani shook her head and walked over, holding her hand out for him. He took it, his fingers wrapping around her in a vice tight grip. She winced, but stayed quiet, knowing this was out of his comfort zone. She led him to the middle of the roof. "Take it all in," she said, motioning to the vast city before them.

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