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  I watched as his shoulders became less tense. "But before anything, what's your name?" He paused but willingly complied to answer me.

"Park Jimin. Red Fox Hybrid."

"Ok Park Jimin, let's try to find those six hybrids, but keep your head down. Don't give away that I shouldn't be here or it won't end well for either of us." I speedily whispered while he nodded.

We walked around for a while longer, him keeping an eye out for his friends, while I placed around more trackers. Luckily I continued going unnoticed.

I saw his confusion when he caught what I was doing, but I simple replied with a shake of my head as I mouthed 'later'. He nodded.

"Hoseok Hyung!" Jimin almost yelled in my ear, while he pulled my arm and pointed in the direction of another hybrid who was being led upstairs, the off limits area.
The hybrids knuckles looked slightly bruised and I could see the harsh glare he held on the back of the guards head.

"What the hell went on in these places?" I thought.

   Before I could think I was already hurrying forward "Wait!" I called out to the guard. Him and the hybrid turning, I locked eyes with this 'Hoseok' eyeing him, and hoping he understood he would need to stay quiet.

His gaze hardened at me, but meeting eyes with Jimin, he did as I hoped and only bit the inside of his cheek.
It was easy to see he was confused.

"How much for this one?" The guard paused, smirking at me. "Hyena's are somewhat rare y'know... how about 800?"

The guy was an idiot. The agency gave me a lot more than that to spend on a hybrid, none of us thought we could buy one for 800 bucks.
I dug out the cash and held it out for him, eyes dancing he ripped it from my hand and pushed the hyena towards me before sauntering off.

"Jimin-ah..." the hybrid said relieved, going to hug the fox. Before he could move I stepped in between the two, wearing a scowl. "Don't react. People are watching and there's still five of you left. Act upset with me." I instructed, eyes watching him closely.

His eyebrows immediately shot up and I winced. This guy really couldn't control his emotions could he? They were painted right there on his face.
He quickly stood on the opposite side of me, Jimins quick and subtle smile enough to have him comply.

I could only hope none of the others wore their emotions of their face like this hyena. If they did- I'd definitely be in some hot water..

"Any idea where your friends are?" I whispered to him. Pretending to look out a grand window.

"Yoongi won't be out till the auction. The guys aren't able to control him that well. He'll be fine with you once he sees us though." Hoseok explained quietly.
"I don't know about Jungkook but Taehyung and Namjoon are scheduled to walk around the showroom. And I haven't seen Jin since we arrived.."

There was something unsettling that crawled on my skin at that. All hybrids were usually kept together or at least the same area to make things run as smooth as possible. Why would they separate one so early on...
  Any debrief I'd read never mentioned that happening.. ever.. just how much didn't we know about these kinds of places?

We sat again for what seemed like hours, but was only thirty minutes when I went to check. The longer I stayed here the more disgusting I felt. By now I'd planted all my trackers.

" There- that's Namjoon and Taehyung." Hoseok quickly whispered to me, catching Jimin and I's attention.
A Timber wolf and White tiger hybrid. You've got to be kidding me.
I groan to myself, a crowd already around them and knew I had to act fast. Too many people would bid on those two during the auction.
This would be my only chance to get them.

I pushed back my annoyance. Out of all the hybrids I had to feel a connection towards- it had to be the one who had six other extremely sought after friends?

Wow great luck for me, huh?
   "How much for the wolf and tiger?" An older lady tried to interrupt me, but I wouldn't have it. "The auction hasn't started yet-"

I turned to eye her with a glare, "I'm sorry. Did I ask you?" Her face immediately paled.

"Y/n- Ms. l/n. my apologies.."
I ignored her and asked the guard again. He shrugged eyeing me like the others did previously.

"At least 3500. They're rare ones." I rolled my eyes but coughed up the cash motioning the two to follow, not having enough hands to hold their leashes as well. I let go of Hoseoks and Jimins, having trust they'd stick around at my offer to help all seven of them out of this dump.

If not I would try not to loose any sleep over it, as far as I was concerned- even if the four didn't know it. Once I bought them they were now free hybrids.

"Who the hell are you." The wolf demanded once we were as safe as could be here, no question in his tone.
"She taking all of us Hyung- I thought she was lying but she's really doing it." Jimin said smiling.

"Stop smiling. You'll draw attention. You want to be kicked out??" I hissed.
His smile immediately dropped and he looked away from everyone.

"So you wasted money on us before requesting Jungkook?" The wolf sneered, obviously angry. His anger was a benefit though. "What happens when she runs out of cash? And he's left alone with some disgusting pig!"

Onlookers quickly directed their attention elsewhere and kept their distance from our little group.

Why were they all so concerned over this Jungkook? Was he gonna be a hard hybrid to buy? Surely not harder than trying to win the auction for a wolf or tiger.

The other boys froze. Jimin looking down guiltily and Hoseoks frown deepening.

"I won't run out of money. Now be quiet and follow me. The auction is starting." He grumbled, but it's not like he had much of a choice in the matter anyway. Him and the other three hybrids followed swiftly.
   The tiger hybrid was surprisingly quiet and when I took a look at him I found his eyes already watching me with a harsh stare.

I broke eye contact first, something about the way his eyes looked unnerved me. Yeah- I don't trust that one..

All the hybrids trailed in after me, taking stances behind my chair while in the auction room, waiting for it to begin.

"You four better make sure they don't react to seeing you with the same buyer. I'm already in enough shit, if we screw this up we're all as good as dead." I mumbled. Not risking to turn to see their reactions or if anyone had bothered to head my warning.

If these monsters didn't kill me here if my cover was blown, the organization who conducted this job just might. No matter how many ties I had- and no matter how much Chan could try and protect me, they were always a step ahead.

Rescuing hybrids was their only goal. If humans were adding in the equation to help, they weren't above using them as decoys or sacrificial dummies.

But they were the only people powerful enough to help hybrids in these situations.. even if we often butted heads with each other.

From the corner of my eye I noticed a hybrid just outside the doors being dragged up and screamed at. His body was bloody and there was a large cut on the side of his neck, it didn't look deep but it didn't look good either.

Namjoon followed my gaze and I felt his body stiffen behind me. I could tell he was scared by the way his voice shook slightly. "That's Jin-Hyung."

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