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The signal was set off "Rosita get into position ill signal you and the walls gonna hold?"He asks "It'll hold"She tells him and he looks to Kai who nods "All points are covers every contingency is already met I come armed with two barrels of the t...

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The signal was set off "Rosita get into position ill signal you and the walls gonna hold?"He asks "It'll hold"She tells him and he looks to Kai who nods "All points are covers every contingency is already met I come armed with two barrels of the truth a test is upon you and im giving out the cheat sheet"Eugene yells into the mic

"H-hello I come salved with the hope that it is my dropped knowledge that you heed options are zero to none compliance and fealty are your only escape bottom lining it you may thrive or you may die I sincerely wish for the former for everyones sake the jig is up and in full effect will you comply Rick?"Eugene asks

"Ima kill him"Kai says to Rosita who had a tear fall "Ill help"She tells her "What the fuck Eugene?"Walker asks "Sorry little man"Eugene replies "Wheres Negan?"Rick asks "Im Negan"Eugene says

Rosita presses the button but nothing happens "Fuck fuckity fuck fuck!"Walker yelled then guns were pointed at them by the garbage people and the gate opened "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON"Walker yelled "Walker"Carl warned and he sighed "We are fucked"Kai says to Rosita

"you ever hear the one about the stupid little prick named Rick who thought he knew shit but didnt know shit and got everyone he gave a shit about killed?"Negan asked "Its about you"Negan says pointing to Rick

"You're all gonna wanna put your guns down now"Negan says "No one drops anything"Rick says and Negan nods to a garbage person who then cocks their gun and points it back at Kais head "You push me and you push me and you push me Rick you just tried to blow us up right I mean I get me my people but Eugene?"Negan asks

"Hes one of yours and after what he did she stepped up you people are animals universe give you a sign and you just shove your finger right up its ass Dwight Simon chop chop"Negan orders the two get onto the truck and pull out a coffin

It was standing up for everyone to see "So you dont like Eugene anymore you guys gotta like Sasha I do too got her right here packaged for your convenience alive and well now I brought her so I wouldnt have to kill all of you and not killing all of you could get complicated see I know theres a lot of firepower left in there Rick"Negan tells him

"So im gonna make this simple I want all the guns you managed to scrape up yep I know about those too I want every last grain of lemonade you got left I want a person of your own choosing for Lucille and I want my run away bride"Negan says looking at Kai

"Daryl too ooh I gotta get me my Daryl back I see you and the pool table and all the pool cues and chalk and I want it now!"Negan yelled "Or Sasha dies and then all of you probably cmon Rick just because I brought her in a casket doesnt mean she has to leave in it"

"You know what you suck ass Rick you really do I dont wanna have to kill her but thats exactly what you're gonna make me do"Negan yells "Let me see her"Rick says "Alright just give me a second I might have to get her up to speed you cant hear shit inside this thing"He says and chuckles

Negan taps on the coffin "Sash you're not gonna believe this crap"He says and opens it then Sasha goes after him only its not Sasha it was now a walker "Holly goddamn!"Negan yells falling off the truck her on top of him

Carl nods to Walker and the two turn shooting the garbage people then everyone is shooting at the saviors at the garbage people and them shooting at them Kai watched Rosita get hit "Get her away!"Kai yelled to Tara who did

The garbage woman shot Rick in the leg and kicked him off the tower "Sit down"She says "No you bitch"Walker says and pushes her off too Kai helped Rick up "Come on Rick"She says the notice people dead on the ground already as they walk then they see it Carl on his knees next to Walker

"Hello again"Negan says Rick was forced to his knees next to Carl and Walker "Well shit Rick you just couldnt stick with us huh?"Negan asks "You had to go with these filthy garbage people no offense"Negan says to the woman "The deal is for twelve yes?"She asks "Ten people are a resource"Negan tells her "Twelve"She tells him

"Ten"she backs down "Rick this is just gonna make you sad broken you're gonna wish you were dead you too Kas"Negan says and goes to hit Walker but she hits the man beside her taking his gun and a bullet went flying

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