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"Move the cars to the upper yard point em facing out they'll be out of the way but ready to go if we ever need to bail"Rick tells the group

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"Move the cars to the upper yard point em facing out they'll be out of the way but ready to go if we ever need to bail"Rick tells the group

"We'll give the prisoners a weeks worth of supplies for the road"Rick tells Kai walking with her "They might not last a week"Kai tells him "Its their choice"Rick says

"Did they really have one?"Kai asks "Kai whos blood would you rather have on your hands your sisters your daughters or theirs?"Rick asks her "Why you always gotta be right?"She asks him and he smiles

Kai drove the last car over then saw her father out walking for the first time and smiled to herself in the car still

"Walkers!"Carl yelled and Kai looks over to see a bunch of walkers "Run!"Kai yelled and went to get out but they we're all around her "No no no"She whispered and tried to start the car

The car wouldnt stop "Please"She cried and looked around for Isabella and she watched Wesley protecting her daughter

The car was now surrounded and walkers banged on the windows trying to get in she watched as T dog got bit "NO"She yelled but she knew if she got out of the car the same thing would happen to her

Kai cried in the car but Daryl ran over and killed the walkers around her Rick and Glenn helped and Daryl opened the car door "Kai you okay?"He asked

"T I saw he-he got bit Dar"She cried "Shh come on Kai we need help"He says and she nods helping them kill the rest of the walkers around

The alarms started to go off and Rick shot at the alarms because it was attracking walkers Kai ran over to the prisoners raising her gun to them

"Why is this happening?!"She yelled "Woah hey hey it has to be the back up generators"Oscar tells her

"How do you turn those off?"She asks "Theres three thats connected to a diesel tank okay each one controls a certain part of the prison"Oscar explains

The boys run over to Kai "The hack shut em all off when the prison was overrun"Oscar tells them "Can someone open up the main gate electronically with full power?"Rick asks

"I only worked in there a few days  I guess it might be possible"Oscar tells him "Come with us"Rick tells them "Lets go"Glenn yelled and they all start running

They ran back to the cell block killing walkers "Lori Carl!"Rick yelled "We just took down five of them in there"Daryl says

"Izzy!"Kai yelled looking around "There we've four in here but no sign of anyone"Kai tells Daryl

"They must have been pushed back into the prison"Glenn says "Somebody is playing games we'll split up and look for the others"Rick says

"Whoever gets to the generators first shut em down!"Rick yelled Glenn grabbed Kais arm "They'll be okay"He tells her and she nods

Glenn and Kai looked everywhere but didnt find anything so they met back up with the rest of the group

Rick shot two walkers feeding on someone that someone being T dog Kai looked down at him "Im sorry T"She cried and shot him

Daryl picked up something that belonged to Carol so we could only assume she didnt make it either

"Dad!"Kai yelled running out "You didnt find them?"He asks "We thought maybe they came back out"Glenn says

Hershel just grabs his daughter and hugs her "What about T Carol?"Hershel asks "They didnt make it"Daryl tells him

"That doesnt mean the others didnt we're going back"Rick says "Daryl Glenn Kai you come with-"Rick gets cut off by a baby crying

Kai looked over to see Maggie holding a baby with Wesley and Carl was holding hands with Isabella

Maggie was crying and Rick looked for Lori "Where-where is she?"Rick asks and he tries to walk in "No please"Wesley says stopping him

Isabella ran to her mother crying "My baby"Kai cried into her daughters arms as Rick cries for his now dead wife

Rick fell to the ground crying and Wesley walked over hugging his daughter and Kai "I thought you"Wes started "Im okay"Kai whispers

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