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They were finally bringing the cars inside the gates "Okay lets get the other car in we'll park em in the west entry of the yard"Rick says and Kai goes to get the other car

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They were finally bringing the cars inside the gates "Okay lets get the other car in we'll park em in the west entry of the yard"Rick says and Kai goes to get the other car

"Can we talk?"Wes asks getting in with her and she drives it in "About?"She asks "Everything Kai I didnt leave for another woman"He tells her

"Then why did you?"She asked parking where Rick told her to "Because I was sick Kai"He confesses "Why leave?"She asked again

"Because I didnt want you and Izzy to see me die Kai and thats how it was looking"He tells her "If you are thinking this is gonna make me feel any different then you got this all wrong Wes"She tells him

Kai gets out of the car and Wesley follows "Why not?"He asks "Because bottom line is Wesley you left you left Isabella and you left me thats it we're done here"She says walking off

"Trouble in paradise?"Isabella asks her father "Trust me this isnt paradise"He tells her "So Carl huh?"He asks walking with his daughter

"Hes my best friend"She tells him "You like him?"Wesley asks his daughter "No of course not!"She yells at him "You sure about that?"He asks again smiling down to her "Shut up"She says walking away

Wesley laughed but of course the two people he cared most about are pushing away even further than he pushed them

"Wheres Glenn and Maggie we could use some help"Carol asks "Up in the guard tower"Daryl answers her "Guard tower?"Rick asks

"They were just up there last night"Kai says "Glenn Maggie!"Daryl yells and the door at the top of the guard tower opens

A shirtless Glenn opens the door fixing his pants "Hey whats up guys?"Glenn asks Kai laughs "You comin?"Daryl yells and Rick joins in on the laughter with Kai

"What?"Glenn asks "You comin?"Daryl yells again and Glenn looks at Maggie and Daryl laughs with the other two "Come on we could use a hand"Daryl yells at them

"Yeah we'll be right down!"Glenn yells and Kai pushes Daryl "Hey Rick"Wesley yells making them turn around to see the last two prisoners walking out

Rick makes his way up to them "Come with me"Rick says making Wes Daryl and Kai follow

"Thats close enough"Rick stops the two from coming closer "We had an agreement"Rick tells the pair "Please mister we know that we made a deal but you gotta understand"Axel says and pauses

"We cant live in that place another minute you follow me? All of the bodies people we knew"Axel says "Blood brains everywhere theres ghosts"He adds

"Why dont you move the bodies out?"Kai asks "You should be burning them"She adds "We tried  we did"Axel tells her

"The fence is down on the far side of the prison evertime we drag a body out those things just line up dropping the body and just running back inside"Oscar explains

"Look we had nothing to do with Thomas and Andrew Wes knows"Axel says and Wes looks down "You trying to prove a point you proved it bro"Axel says to Rick

"We'll do whatever it takes to be apart of your group just please please..."Axel pleads "Dont make us live in that place"He adds

"Our deal is not negotiable you either live in your cell block or you leave"Rick tells them "I told you this was a waste of time they aint no different then the pricks who shot up our boys"Oscar spat

"You know how many friends corpses we had to drag out this week? Just threw them out like these were good guys who had our backs against the really bad dudes in this joint like Thomas and Andrew now we all make mistakes to get in here chief"Oscar says

"Im not gonna pretend to be a saint but believe me we've paid our due enought that we would rather hit that road than to go back into that shithole"He tells Rick who turned to Kai and Daryl

Daryl locks the two out while the rest talk "Are you serious you want them living in the cell next to you?"Rick asks

"They'll just be waiting for a chance to grap our weapons you wanna go back to sleeping with one eye open"Rick asks

"I never stopped"T dog tells him "Bring them into the fold Axel is right they've never been like Thomas and Andrew"Wes tells Rick

"Wes is right if we just send them off packing we might as well execute them ourselves"T dog says "I dont know Axel seems a little unstable"Glenn says

"After all we've been through we fought so hard for all of this"Kai adds "What if they decide to take it?"Carol asks "Its just been us for so long they're strangers I dont- It feels weird all of a sudden to have these other people around"Maggie says

"You brought us in"T dog says to the sisters "Yeah but you turned up with a shot boy in your arms didnt give us a choice"Maggie tells him

"They cant even kill walkers"Glenn says "They're convict bottom line"Carol says "I spent a long time with them they wont kill someone without a very good reason"Wes tells Rick

"Those two might actually have less blood on their hands then we do"T dog adds "I get guys like this"Daryl speaks up finally

"Hell I grew up with them they're degenerates but they aint psychos I could have been in there with them just as easy as im out here with you guys"Daryl explains "Hmm this is the guy you're interested in?"Wes asks Kai

"Shut it Wesley"She tells him and Daryl huffs at the man "So you're with me?"T dog asks Daryl "Hell no"He tells T dog

"Let em take their chances out on the road like we did"Daryl tells him "What im saying Daryl-"T dog says but Rick cuts him off

"When I was a rookie I arrested this kid nineteen years old wanted for stabbing his girlfriend the kid blubbered like a baby during the interrogation during the trial suckerd the jury he was acquitted due to insufficient evidence and then two weeks later shot another girl"

"We've been through too much our deal with them stands"Rick says and walks away "So you're interseted in me huh?"Daryl asks Kai "Oh my god stop"She says walking off leaving a smirking Daryl

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