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Preparing for a war sucks ass Walker thought walking through the woods with his group he turns to see Isabella holding hands with Carl and fake threw up when she looked to him she simply flipped him off while Carl chuckled at the two hoping him an...

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Preparing for a war sucks ass Walker thought walking through the woods with his group he turns to see Isabella holding hands with Carl and fake threw up when she looked to him she simply flipped him off while Carl chuckled at the two hoping him and Judith could be like that one day

Daryl was carrying a crate and was about to put it down to help Kai up the tree but Rick walked over to her helping her up "Watch for the signal"He tells her "You got it boss when does the clock start?"She asks "As soon as shes in"He tells her

Daryl didnt like this neither did Michonne the two have been getting even closer "You okay?"She asks him and he nods "You?"He asks "Ill live hopefully"She jokes and he smiles shaking his head "You will out live us all Kai"He tells her and she smiles "Probably"

Daryl walks over after Rick walks away "Stay safe"He tells her "I promise"She tells him and he nods going to help Jesus and Jax who seemed like they were getting close

"I should have tried harder to stop Rosita and Sasha if they would have just waited one more day"Jesus says "Sasha is a good shot and Rosita is a big girl she can handle herself you dont have to take care of everyone Paul"Jax tells him

"Why do you call me Paul?"Jesus asks him and Jax shurgs "Jesus might suit you but Paul is who you are"Jax tells him and Jesus smiles at him "Thanks Jaxon" "No problem"

The explosion set off and Kai aimed her sniper and shot the ground so that making sure the women didnt get to the armory "On the ground now those hands put them on your head"Daryl says walking out aiming to the two women the one didnt and looked at Jesus "Please"He says and she does Jax walked over and tied her hands and Daryl signaled Kai

Another explosion "Everybody down now hands on your head"Isabella yells cutting them off with her group "Everybody stay calm" "We dont want anyone to get hurt"Carl tells them "Just stay down and listen"Walker tells them

"We want this to go as simply and as peacefully as possible all of you can make it that way"Gabriel tells them while the others come back "We made a lot of noise we want to wrap this up quickly so you can send people to redirect anything coming this way Tara said your forest are relatively clear so we wont take any chances no one needs to get hurt"Rick tells them

"This is just about what you have what we need"Rick says "Nobody is taking anything  you need to let everyone go and leave right now just walk away for this one dies"A Woman says holding a gun to Tara "Yeah we'll leave you alone but we're taking your weapons with us  thats not gonna change its Natania right?"Rick asks

She gives a small nod "Put the gun down and lets talk about what we can change"Rick tells her "No leave right now"Natania tells him Tara looks up seeing Kai aiming at the woman holding Tara "Kasandra dont"Tara yells

"We just wanna be left alone"Natania tells Rick "Yeah we will leave you alone just let go of her now or we will kill you none of us want that"Rick tells her "They want us to fight the Saviors"The woman next to Natania says

Walker watched closely to some of the women who perked up at this he knew some of them would want to fight "We tried that we lost too much we're not gonna lose anymore not our guns not our safety not after everything we've done to get here"Natania says

"We're gonna win with your guns with or without your help"Tara tells the women "Natania put the gun down"Rick tells her "You kill me and you die and my people take the guns and nothing changes"Tara tells her "Maybe we should try"One of the women says

"Its not over they've forgotten you've all forgotten some of you actually want to fight them after everything we could lose our guns but us leaving this place to fight? After everything I have to remind you yes I am gonna do this and then im gonna die but its that important this is your life all of you remember what it looks like remember what they did to us you need to see this open your eyes"Kai rolled her eyes listening to the old lady rant

Kai noticed something moving and waved to Michonne who was also in a tree and Kai pointed "Rick walkers!"Michonne yelled and Walker took this time to knock the grandma out "What is that like ten points?"Walker asked

"Everybody up get the children behind us!"Rick yelled "They're coming!"Isabella yelled "First shift join them on the line knives out dead only dead only"Was yelled and Walker watched as they helped "Everyone shots within ten feet of the line thats it"Rick tells them

"Hell yeah"Walker says holding his gun up that was way to big for him as the walkers got closer Rick yelled "Now" everyone started to shoot Kai and Michonne shot from the trees and walkers who got too close were taken out with knives

"No we're not fighting them with you so take your damn guns and go"the old bitch says walking away "Old bitch"Walker mumbled and Isabella nudged him "What?!"He asked "You knocked out and old woman then called her an old bitch whats wrong with you?"She whispered / Yelled to him and he shrugged

Isabella hated taking guns like this walking past them watching her as she carries away their weapons "I hate this"She whispered to Carl who was helping her carry stuff "I know"He says Isabella was the sweetest of them

"We're gonna bring them back when its all over"Tara tells them "I want to go with you some of us do but not all and it has to be all of us  my grandmother thinks you'll all be dead"Cyndie tells her "Yeah well your grandmothers wrong about a lot of things where is she?"Tara asks

"She didnt wanna see this shes lying down that kid hit her pretty hard"She tells Tara and the two look to Walker "Thanks for saving my life before and the other time oh and then the other time maybe today thanks"Tara says and goes to walk away "Hey thank you"Cyndie stops her "For what you're doing"

"You're not leaving us any?"A smaller girl asks "Nope see ya later Rachel"Tara says and flips her off and Walker does the same and then was dragged away by Daryl but Walker kept flipping her off as he was being dragged

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