"Thank you." I lean over -as much as I can, that is- and hug her.

I'm the first one to pull away from the hug, but my mom holds eye contact with me. Her eyes are filled with happiness, but behind the happiness is hidden sadness and fear. 

She gives me a sad smile, but I don't have a chance to ask her what's wrong, because she is standing up and turning her back to me. 

I see her raise the back of her hand to her mouth as she lets out quiet sobs. She never turns around to face me once, but I can tell that she quickly pulls herself back together and walks back into the kitchen.

Watching my mom cry makes me emotional because I know my dad and I are the reason she has pain hidden inside her. 

As I begin to blink back tears, Jacob rushes to me and encages me in a bone-crushing hug. Even though the baby bump is in the way, he still finds a way for us to be chest-to-chest. I rest my head on his shoulder and he runs his fingers through my hair, occasionally stopping at the top of my head to give me a scalp massage. I don't even care if my hair gets messed up at this point because this is one of my favorite hugs he's ever given me.

When he moves his fingers out of the way, he peppers kisses on the top of my head and he continues to hold me.

Eventually, he pulls away, but he keeps his grip tight on my elbows. He holds eye contact with me as he gently whispers to me. "We should go back to the kitchen so our guests don't get suspicious of us." 

I quietly shake my head and he stands up and holds his hand out for me. I take his hand and we walk into the kitchen with smiles plastered on our faces.


"3...2...1" Jacob and I slice into the cake together and we pull the blue piece out. "Oh my god, we're having a boy!" Jacob leaves me to deal with the cake while he runs and screams through the house.

All of our friends come and hug in a huge group hug. "Ah, I knew it! I knew I was gonna have a nephew!" Kristian cheers. 

When we all pull away from the group hug, Jacob is jumping up and down in the corner of the kitchen. 

He is going to be such a good dad.

Marley comes back and hugs me again. "I am so proud of you. I know it's not what you and Jacob had planned, but the two of you seem to have it under control. You guys are going to be such great parents." She whispers. 

The two of us remain in the hug until I get another Braxton hick. Instinctively, I grab my stomach, but I accidentally elbow Marley in the process. "Are you okay?"

This time, the pain doesn't go away immediately. Instead, it lingers and the longer it stays, the more spread out it is. "Marley," Before I finish my sentence, a warm liquid pools around my legs and spills over the chair and onto the floor. "I think my water just broke," I whisper to no one in particular, but Marley immediately reacts and she grabs my mom and Jacob, bringing them to me while she moves the guests out of the kitchen without making them suspicious.

She is definitely going to be the godmother of my baby boy.

"What's wrong honey?" My mom lightly holds my hand, but I'm too shaken up to answer. I just point down at the floor and it takes her a moment before everything clicks. Jacob gets it before my mom does and he sucks in a loud breath. 

"Holy shit did your water just break?" Jacob shouts.

My mom and I both silently nod our heads.

"Don't panic. Let's take you to one of the guest rooms for now until we call an ambulance.

"No, I want Jacob to drive me there. We can meet at the hospital." My mom doesn't argue, she tells me she loves me and then runs to the foyer to probably grab her keys.

"Jacob, grab the bags and I'll dismiss the guests." He nods and makes his way to the front of the house to where the stairs are located. 

I get off the stool and shuffle into the guest living room where Marley is trying to entertain them with games. 

When I walk in, everyone's heads turn in my direction. "So, this little guy," I bring my hands to my stomach before continuing my sentence. "Decided to make a surprise appearance, so unfortunately the party has to end." Everyone starts coming toward me and a few people distantly tell me congrats and good luck as they walk out of the house. 

I don't even try to fight off the hugs. They all just come at me and right now I'm not in too much pain, but I don't know how long this will last so I try to speed up the hugs as much as possible.

Eventually, everyone leaves- except Marley, Kristian, Mike, Lauren, and Ace- and Jacon finally joins us and we all leave together in separate cars, but all t the same destination. The hospital


Only the epilogue is left! This story went by kind of slowly, but I promise, the actual ending will make it worth it.

Thank you, guys, so much for reading, and tomorrow (maybe tonight) I will be dropping my new story and the prologue for the story. Please check it out.

Thank you once again


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