Chapter 8: Entrance Exam

Start from the beginning

"Students, please have a seat." Herakles ordered as he stood in front of the room. Jack looked around the room, there were at least one hundred of students right now. "All of you will be handed a number by chance, the number indicates when you go up the stairs and into the arena. Like if you're number 1, you'll go up first along with the other person who got the number 1. Then you two will fight each other until the other one surrenders, passes out, or is incapable of fighting further. The loser will be sent home with money for the ride, and the winner will be able to attend Sanctuary Academy. Also, no killing, we aren't savages."

"Well, it was nice knowing you guys." Zane was a hacker, so he had no way of fighting unless there was machinery around him.

"Before you support classes start losing hope, adjustments will be made in the arena in order to allow you to properly fight against the combat focused classes." Herakles shouted, from Jack's point of view, he sounds like a fair guy. "Support types that heal will be given a knight to fight for them, and the healers will have to heal this knight in order to win. Nerfers and buffer classes will have this same bonus. Support types that rely on the environment, like Elementalists, will receive an alternated environment to allow you to fight on equal footing."

"And here I was hoping to get out of this." Zane whined with a sigh as another mannequin marionette walked in front of the group and handed each of them numbers. "Looks like I'm the 3rd one."

"Hey Mannequin the man, my bro and I are each other's weapons, so give us the same number." Rico demanded, and the mannequin handed a single number to Rico. "Oh sweet, number 7."

"Hmm, it appears I was graced with being second." Mifu looked at her number with an amused smile on her face.

"Lucky me, I got fourth." Galahad held up his number triumphantly while yawning. "I wonder if I could fit a nap in here somewhere."

"Nuts, I got sixth." Alice pouted adorably while crossing her arms. "I wanted to be the star of the show."

"Looks like I'm eighth." Othelia suddenly appeared beside us wearing a pair of leather pants, a leather jacket, and a white tank top. "What about you Jack?"

"I got..." Jack unraveled his piece of paper to read what was on it, and all that was on it was a single vertical line. "...One..."

"Well let's hope the first guy is super weak." Nico looked around the room and his eyes suddenly landed on a boy with some kind of machete-like sword. "Hey, was that guy at the ceremony yesterday?"

"There's so many people here, how can you expect us all to keep track?" Galahad asked as he put his hands in his pocket.

"I'm a mirror, it's kind of my job to know my surroundings." Nico stated as he examined the boy from a distance. "He's giving me a strange vibe, like he's the main character of an anime or something."

"Would the people with 1 on their cards come up to begin the match?" Herakles demanded, and Jack walked over to the stairway where Herakles was waiting. "To prevent instant deaths, Geppetto will be overseeing the match as an official referee, so respect him."

The hero boy and Jack made their way past Herakles, and Jack felt as though the headmaster was giving him a slight look of pity for some reason.

The hero kid and Jack reached the currently empty arena, where Geppetto was waiting in the middle of. Geppetto signaled for the hero and Jack to go to opposite ends of the arena. Jack unsheathed Fire Maiden and the hero didn't even move.

"Remember, no murder!" Geppetto ordered the two before pointing at the two of combatants. "The battle will be between Hero and Jack, I expect a clean fight, since neither of you are rogue classes! Now...begin!"

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