Chapter 16

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I was awake before the sun this morning, getting everything ready for the anatomy study.

I'm not sure if she will want to lie down or stand, but I make sure that my bed is perfectly made in case she chooses that. I read and reread my question again and again.

I'm so nervous.

I've done these studies before. In college, I had to do one at the coroner's office while he performed an autopsy. This feels scarier than that.

I am about to study the body and functions of an extraterrestrial being. Any scientist would be giddy. This is a nerds wet dream! The stuff of science fiction novels. I am about to be the first human, ever, to study alien anatomy.

A sound from the hallway outside makes my heart pound. She's here.

When the door slides open my heart drops from my throat, down to my stomach.

"Where is Olexa?"

"She was called away in the night. Gaia requested her presence in the north. She informed me of your desire to study our anatomy. She sends her apologies." Ronan tips his chin, emphasizing the apology.

"Oh, no worries," I try not to let my relief show. I thought he was coming here for the study. That would have been-

"You may study my anatomy instead."


"That's very-"

"It is necessary to have a male and a female, correct?"

My palms sweat as I search his face. There is no humor or smugness in his voice. He isn't offering to make me uncomfortable. He's trying to be helpful. Everything about him is logical and practical. I just need to act like an adult and this will be fine, probably.

Be a professional, Nicole.

"Thank you, commander."

He slides the door closed and turns, waiting for instructions.

"I want you to be comfortable. If you want to stand that's fine, or you can lay on the bed. I don't know if you wear underwear or...if you're uncomfortable with nudity..." my palms sweat. "I also have a series of questions, a survey, to gather information about certain functions that I can't see with my eyes alone. Which would you rather tackle first?"

"I will stand. I would prefer to complete the visual study first." He pulls his shirt over his head and I audibly gulp. My mouth drops open as he pulls his hair up, tying it on top of his head, out of the way. Why is that so attractive...

You are a doctor, I remind myself; this is about science!

As his pants fall to the floor, I take a deep, cleansing breath. Clearly, he is not uncomfortable with nudity. Peering up over the top of my notebook, my stomach clenches. Roughly sketching his form on the page, I focus all of my energy into making sure everything is correct and proportional.

With nervous anticipation, I inch forward as I carefully examine every small detail. His feet are large and wide but otherwise human in appearance. Stepping behind him, I start from the ground up. I'm drawn to his calves. Where the muscles in a human calf are straight up and down, his appear to slope downward at an angle. Fascinating.

Moving up his back, I stop for a moment, appreciating his ass, not scientifically but as a hot blooded woman standing before a perfectly shaped backside.

Alright... back to work...

The small of his back is narrow and grows wider as it moves into his upper back and shoulders. Lost in the structure of his muscles, I step forward, my fingers running over his spine at the center of his back. I can't tell without an x-ray but his spine feels different. I try to count his vertebrae but they aren't palpable. There seems to be a smooth, flexible bone covering the spinal cord from top to bottom.

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