Chapter 10

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As we enter the room, Clarisse and Santi somehow trip over each other's feet and fall, dramatically onto the ground with a resounding bang that echoes off the walls.

The four men in the room jump up at the commotion. They look ready to attack until they realize it's just a couple of klutzy humans.

The mean one scowls angrily at Olexa and furiously gestures toward us while he's speaking. When our eyes meet his jaw clenches and his shoulders tense. I can feel myself fading. The details of his face swirling around in my brain in a haze of silver and purple.

When my eyes flutter open I'm engulfed in fabric. Where am I and how did I get here? Sitting up, I realize I'm in a bed. Crawling to the edge, I look nervously around the strange room. I'm alone. As I cautiously step down to the floor, I can't help my curiosity. There are only three walls, one side being completely open onto a large terrace.

I'm mesmerized as I walk forward, stepping out onto the balcony. As far as I can see, there is only the sky and the alien planet. I'm so far from the ground, that I can hardly see it down below. It's breathtaking. If I fell, I imagine falling forever, never reaching the ground. With white knuckles, I grip the very thin rail that stands between me and the open air. This seems inadequate and dangerous, but I can't walk away.

I'm so absorbed in the view that I don't notice that I'm no longer alone.

"You survived the night," a deep voice from behind me makes me scream.

On shaky legs, I turn to face him and my breath catches for a different reason. My already pounding heart beats even harder.

His hair is braided on the sides and pulled up. He isn't wearing a shirt and his skin has me transfixed. From his neck down, every inch of him is covered in tattoos, strange markings that look... well...alien.

"Have you recovered?" His voice radiates strength. He could crush me like a bug if he wanted to, I know it... he does too.

"Recovered?" I find my voice but it sounds so small.

"From your sudden illness. Your companions have not yet awakened." His eyes sweep over my body slowly.

"Illness? I wasn't ill...just drunk." My cheeks burn as I remember last night. Olexa said he wanted to kick us out...

"What is drunk?"

"Umm... inebriated? You know..." clearly he doesn't. "We drank that a'sjor...a'sh-"

"A'shuur did that to you?" He looks surprised.

I'm quickly coming to realize that our reaction isn't typical.

"Maybe we should stay away from that in the future..."

"You may partake if you wish, you fell unconscious rather quickly. Your companions, however, remained awake for hours." His annoyance is evident.

Clearing my throat uncomfortably, I shift on my feet.

"How did you get here?" The seriousness in his tone makes my spine stiffen.

"I don't... we're from here?" I don't understand the question.

"Yes, but we have lived on this planet for fifty-nine earth years and have never encountered a single human. Where did you come from?"

I choke, coughing and sputtering I step back, hitting the railing behind me.

He steps forward, grabbing my arm and pulling me toward his hard chest.

"Be careful!" He snaps.

I'm too shocked by his words to care that his hand is still wrapped around my arm.

Callisto: Bound to the Alien Commander |18+Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora