"Me and Milly should probably get going..." Sean changed the subject

"Be careful out there, contact us if you need help." Hailey swung her backpack over her shoulder.

Milly and Sean soon took their assigned route while Zander led the others to their route named Roswich Road to begin their journey. You might think the demon and the hybrid will get along very well, but you're kind of wrong about that.

People don't know that Zander and Milly shared the same energy, specifically the negative energy while Luke and Sean shared the positive and calm energy. Sean and Milly can get into small arguments about whether the issue is huge or not, which could mean why Hailey made them go together to fix their relationship. They are good friends, it's just that sometimes they don't get along like they can't stand each other. There is one thing that their friends don't know, which is that they are slowly developing feelings toward each other.


Now, here they are. Trapped inside this deep cave for probably hours without any light or oxygen from the outside world. Their only way of communication is to write a letter and have a bird transport it to them, but they can't since there seems to be no way out...

"The rocks seem to be hard for anyone to push against.." Sean examined the cave's rocky gray walls.

"Psst really?! I bet I can move them with just one punch!" Milly laughed as she cracked her knuckles

"I'm telling you in a calm way that's a bad idea..."

"Oh, now it's my fault we are in this cave?! You're the one with the map!"

"You basically lend us here in the first place!" Milly turned around as she sat crisscrossed on the ground

"This is the right path, Milly! We got sent here for a reason!"

"Well maybe look at the map again! You're the brains remember!"

"Alright fine, if it makes you happy..." Sean looked at the map one more time and noticed that she was right, they went the wrong way

"Well, nerd? Was I finally right this time?" Milly said sitting in a very weird position that the writer can't explain

"Apparently Yes...I must have gotten confused when I saw that path that got divided into two before"

"Ha told you! Now, are you finally gonna show us where the RIGHT path is?"

"I could, if we find a way to get out here, or else something bad happens."

"You said those rocks are hard to push against. Do you have an idea to get those rocks out then?"

"Hmm, if only we had a strong force of magic to push them, then no."

"Can't I just push them?! I'm strong, at least above average for a human!"

"Milly I'm afraid you don't have enough strength from your wings to push them."

"Who said I need to use my wings? We are in a cave, Sean! How am I supposed to use my wings in such a small space?"

"Plus you're forgetting my demon blood improves my strength! I was born a tank!"

"Okay, I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't studied about demons in a while..."

"So rude! As a demon, I'm offended that you don't care about my race!" Milly goes to a stone wall and starts to cry

"No Milly, don't cry!! You know I care about your race. I mean, look at me: I'm half human, half wolf hybrid."

"Oh, yeah! Tell me when I can actually use my demon powers you puppy!" Milly continues to cry

A Journey for Six | TMF Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now