He stopped, seeing a lasso coming for him. He quickly dodged the attack.

- But I want to be a superhero, not just a good person! You're selfish and don't want to share your power! - he roared and charged at the hero.

Crow leaped above villain and landed next to the tree, where his kunai was stuck. He retrieved it.

He yelped when lasso wrapped around his ankle and Huntsman pulled it, causing him to fell down. Villain was dragging the lasso to him, but Crow cut it with his kunai and became free.

Villain growled in frustration and pounced on the Crow, who ducked.

- Crow! You need to immobilize him, only then I'll be able to purify him! - Swan shouted.

- Got it! - hero shouted back and exclaimed:

- Darkness descends!

Everything around became darker for Crow and his teammates. From villains' point of view, it looked like a completely dark nightfall.

But it was different this time.

Crow tiptoed to the villain, with intention of grabbing him in surprise. How surprised he became, when villain strongly pushed him back, causing him to fall into the crater behind him. Luckily, he managed to stick kunai in the crater's wall and saved himself from the long fall.

- But how...? - Crow asked, seeing approaching Huntsman, who gave him a sly smirk.

- Vulture promised me that your power will have no effect on me. And voilà! How do you like it? - he asked.

Crow began to climb up the wall in response, but his arm with miraculous was quickly catched by the villain.

- Since you didn't want to share your power willingly, I'll just take it by the force! - Huntsman exclaimed and having unfastened the miraculous, let go of hero's arm. Soon, he disappeared from villain's sight.

- No! - Swan cried and ran up to the crater. Crane got down from the tree and tried to avenge Crow, but villain simply dodged his attack. Hero lost his balance and fell flat.

Bluebird and Pelican were about to attack him from the both sides, but he trapped them in the nets he shot from his hands.

- Finally... Huh? Wait... - villain murmured in confusion. He was sure that crow miraculous was a bracelet, not a necklace. And in his hands it looked otherwise. Jewelry was about 30 inches long, it was silver and had charm in a shape of a crow's head with red diamonds as eyes. Why was Crow wearing it on his wrist and not neck?

But his thoughts were interrupted by a ball of light, which emerged from the charm. A small, black creature with big head and massive beak appeared to Huntsman's eyes.

As soon as it noticed villain it floated back and asked angrily:

- Who are you?! And where's my holder?!

- I'm your new holder! Now grant me my powers! - villain replied.

- Not a chance! You didn't say the magic words! - kwami said.

- Tell me these then! - Huntsman demanded.

- What did you do to my holder?! - Corvus asked. Villain smiled devilishly.

- Let's say that he's not going to be a problem anymore - he said. Kwami covered his beak with his paws.

- No... - he managed to whisper.

Meanwhile, Swan was on the crater's edge, mourning her friend. The pit was deep, he couldn't survive the fall, not in his civil form. Crow was gone forever.

- AAH! WHAT IS THAT?! - Crane's loud question snapped heroine from weeping.

- What are you-? - her question was cut by loud "THUD!". She froze, seeing a gigantic hand landing only few meters from her. Soon, a second one appeared next to it and then whole humongous body crawled out of the crater. Swan was staring in horror at the giant panting heavily next to her. She quickly hid among the bushes.

- Ymir! You're alive! - a happy cry came to giant's ears. Ymir finally opened his eyes. His gaze fell on the villain, who was now trembling for  dear life. Giant opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by:


Huntsman dropped the miraculous and having turned away, ran in terror. Giant swiftly leaned over and grabbed the villain. Unfortunately, Huntsman wrenched himself out of giant's hand and got away.

- Are you okay? - worried Corvus, who was holding the necklace, asked as he soared up to giant's face.

- I'm fine, thank you Corvus - he replied, a small smile spread on his face. But it quickly vanished, when he looked down at his friends.

Crane was still laying down, but held his rapier high, in case giant attacked him. Swan was hiding behind the bushes, but when she noticed that giant saw her, she quickly ducked down. Bluebird, Pelican and Falcon were still trapped in the nets. Giant gasped.

- Here, let me help-! - but his hand stopped midway, when he heard a helpless whimper and saw how Bluebird curled up even more.

- Leave h-her a-alone, y-you m-monster! - Crane shouted, trying to sound brave.

- Guys, it's still me, Crow! I won't hurt you I swear! Please, let's talk! - giant cried desperately, but it didn't help a bit. He felt like he worsened the situation, everyone was now silent, Pelican even passed out. They were looking at him like he was a monster.

He felt how his stomach cramped. His worst fear became true. They're scared of him, they forgot he was their good and kind friend, who always lent a helping hand. He felt defeated. They'll always think of him as a monster from now on, there's no going back.

- Ymir? - Corvus asked, seeing tears appearing in giant's eyes.

- I renounce you Corvus - he whispered. Kwami gasped.

- No-! - but it was too late. He was pulled into the necklace, which not being held by anyone, fell down on the snow.

Giant cautiously got up and left heroes behind, not looking back despite the temptation.


He finally reached his quarry. It was a moment that his emotions fell. Realizing that he's not going to be a hero anymore and that he lost all his friends, including his best friend Corvus, he got down on the knees and hands and cried bitterly.

All was lost.

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