31. Spider-man fights Sonic...Again

Start from the beginning

'He's just as nervous as I am!' Fubuki screamed into her mind once more. 'Just what the hell does this Spider think he's doing!?'

At this point, Spider-man noticed Fubuki staring at him, and took a deep breath. He then pulled her into a somewhat close embrace so that he could whisper something in her ear.

"Sorry you got mixed up in all of this," he told her. "Just play along with it. I promise I'll finish this up quickly and get us both out of here."

Fubuki, her eyes wider than ever, just managed to give a silent nod. She could hardly believe what was happening right now.

Spider-man then released her, and stepped around her. He then walked up to where Sonic stood. The ninja simply threw a taunting smile in his direction.

"Aw, now isn't that sweet?" he teased.

Spider-man crossed his arms. "Let's just go ahead and get this over with. How are we going to settle things this time?"

Sonic gave the Spider a confused look. "What do you mean, how are we going to settle this? We're going to fight, you idiot!"

Spider-man gave the ninja a blank stare. "Sorry, I just thought that you might want to change things up since you always lose when we fight."

A vein quickly appeared on Sonic's forehead. "What was that!?"

"Why don't we settle this with a competition that'll show off your speed?" Spider-man suggested. "After all, isn't that the only thing you care about?"

"Shut up!" Sonic barked angrily. "Don't act like you know everything about me!"

Spider-man just stared at him, completely calm. "Trust me, I have an idea, and I think you'll like this more."

Sonic, noticing Spider-man's laid-back attitude, decided to take a moment to calm down. He then glared at the Spider. "And what is your idea?"

Spider-man crossed his arms before shouting his reply. "A race! Between the two of us! 100 laps! See who's the fastest man alive!"

Sonic simply raised an eyebrow at this. "100 laps?" he asked. "100 laps around what, exactly?"

Spider-man just raised an eyebrow at him. "The world, obviously. What else?"

Sonic immediately lost his cool at this. "What kind of fool do you take me for!? No human can run around the entire earth! Let alone do it 100 times! It's impossible!"

Now it was Spider-man's time to shine. "It is?"

"Of course it is! Don't act so surprised!"

"Oh, sorry…I just thought that you could handle it. I guess not though. I mean anything is possible if you really put your mind to it."

"Damn you…Why do you always have to act like you're so superior to me!?"

"Huh?" asked Spider-man with a frown. "Well, it's because I am. I literally kicked your ass before. I can do it again if you'd like."

At this point, Sonic completely lost it. With his face contorted in rage, he quickly jumped into the air. "That's it! We're going to fight, right here and now!"

"Are you sure?" asked Spider-man with a hint of concern in his voice. "What if we end up destroying your house? Hate for you go through the repair bills on this place."

"This isn't my house, you idiot!" Sonic cried as he threw several exploding shuriken at the Spider. In response, Spider-man quickly weaved in and out of them with remarkable flexibility.

"Fine then, we'll fight," He agreed.

Meanwhile, Fubuki just watched this from a distance with an incredibly lost expression. Never in her life would she have imagined a situation this bizarre. A crazy ninja showed up, kidnapped her, assumed Spider-man and her were a couple, and then Spider-man actually played along with it, bickered with the ninja, and was now fighting him.

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