i hate you

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Vyan : yes i do...

Vyan replied without even thinking twice, like this words are present in the tip of his tongue waiting to be spill out..

And it indeed deed..

Directly Pricing through Isabella's heart..

Isabella can feel her heart cleanching painfully her whole existence froze in its place, she is unable to move even a single finger,

Before coming here to confront vyan she has already come up with a number of assumptions and reasons behind vyan's behaviour, and this option is also there, but she just didn't want to think about it so everytime her inner self scream at her to make her realise that he love Irene, she'll just shook her head everytime discarding those sinful thought in the back of her head..

But now what..

Now when vyan is the one telling the same thing now what

Now how she'll just shrug it off, how can she deny it..

She didn't know..

Maybe confronting him was a bad decision, but atleast she finds out about the truth, but why, why her heart is not ready to accept it..

How badly she wants to deny it, how badly she wants to get the hell out of this house and hide somewhere, where these words will not reach her..

But she knows she can't, so she sighed defeatedly squeezing her eyes shut in order to stop the tears which are threatening to fall, she took a few low ragged breath to gather all her courage as she speak out her next words..

Isabella : the.. n then what iam to you, what wa..s that which was going on bet..ween us, why you betray me like this..

She choked at her own words, and how badly she hated to show her venerable side to him, but no matter how much she tried to not shutter, she just couldn't help, her senses were not going according to her will, her emotions were a mess..

A mess created by vyan..

Vyan : i never committed myself to you, did i..

He tilt his head pretending to be thinking, a bitter feeling started to build up in the pit of his stomach as he uttered his next word with the same bitterness..

Vyan : but even though if you are that eager to know then let me tell you..

He gives her a bitter smile, even though she is not looking at him, even though her eyes are shut, he made sure to convey those bitterness through his words..

Vyan : you were nothing but just a play thing for me, just a toy to play with, we fucked, and we both had our fun, and you seems to enjoy it as well, then why are you complaining like a virgin bitch.

These words hurt more than they sound, her hands started to tremble, she cleanched hardly on the arm rest in order to stop trembling. She can feel those words bitterness running down through her smile..

you were nothing but just a play thing for me,

She feels disgusted

just a toy to play with,

Disgusted by those words..

we fucked,

Disgusted by that immersed amount of bitterness it holds.

loin. i love the way your heartbeat season 2 Where stories live. Discover now