Start from the beginning

"That's because I'm a woman, who has a twenty-five-year-old brother, which jumps on her like he's twenty years younger. I can handle a little dog." Holly laughs.

"Holly's gonna give me a massage, a little therapeutic bath and shit." Chip tells Max, as he rubs his shoulders.

"Say that word again." Max tells the curly-haired man.

"Massage?" He answers unsurely.

"Therafufic? Therafuphic." Max turns to the two behind him, who are pissing themselves with laughter. "Whatever the hell you just said." He shakes his head.

"Therapeutic." Chip and Holly tell Max how to say it.

"Therapeutic. Yeah, yeah, that's the one." Max looks at the camera.

"Come on, Ilyas!" Kate claps her hands as the countdown starts. "Bro, why do these dogs not get tired of this screaming?" Billy complains.

"Because it's territorial behaviour Bill, fear and anticipation of a perceived threat." Holly shrugs when she looks at him. "How do you know that?" Billy turns to her.

"I'm a dog person. I have a dog, my boyfriend got it for me." She looks down. "I'll get you another dog." Billy places his hand on her shoulder. "Wait, will you actually?" She looks up quickly.

"No, are you fucking kidding." He laughs, shaking his head. "Alright then, fuck you." She turns to look at Ilyas. "Yes, Ilyas!" Holly claps her hands as the dog brings him down.

"Yes! Yes!" Chip jumps up and down, along with Kate "That was crazy, the fall was mental." Harry laughs. "And he's still bloody crawling." Holly nods. "Keep going! Keep going!" Chip shouts to him.

"That's the third pole, I swear." Chip points to where Ilyas is. "It has to be." Holly nods her head, as the dog is pulled off the man. "Man, he ain't hurt is he?" Holly asks, as Ilyas just lies on the floor.

"No, it's just, really fucking hard to stand up with them on." Chip shakes his head, looking down at her. "Well done Ilyas!" Holly shouts as he walks over to the group.

"Your moving like the dog bro." Billy hugs him after he jumps on Liv and Destini. "Right, I'm shattered." Ilyas holds his heart. "It can't be that bad, right?" Holly asks.

"Holls, it's so much harder than you think. And you think it's going to be a piece of cake. It's not a piece it's the whole bloody thing." Ilyas scoffs looking at her. "Too bad it ain't my turn." She replies.

"You've got it, girl." Holly clicks her finger when Rachel is told to go. "Big batty gyal." Destini says as Rachel gets ready to run. "I can still see her nyash in that suit, as well." Billy nods, making Holly laugh.

"She has a nice ass, I won't lie." She shakes her head. "She's off! And she's down, after just two steps." Holly doubles over in laughter. "That is fucking hilarious." She covers her mouth. "She face-planted as well!" She shouts, falling to the ground.

"Is she alright?" Liv looks to Chip, who's just staring at his girlfriend on the floor, dying of her own laughter. "She'll be fine, hopefully." He smiles admiring her. "That's minus points!" Billy shouts looking at the camera.

"Billy she's on your team." Holly breathes out, looking up at him from the floor. "That's not minus points!" He realises, looking back up at the camera.

"This thing heavy you know!" Rachel looks at the housemates before the countdown starts for her again. "Wow, she made it an extra eight steps than last time." Holly laughs, sitting cross-legged on the grass. "This shit's heavy as fuck!" Rachel shouts before she's helped us from the floor.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now