29. Breakfast, World Trade Center

Start from the beginning

"Good morning, Web-head." Fubuki greeted him from the kitchen.

"Oh, hey Fubuki." Spider-man replied as he began to sit up from the futon stretching his arms while Fubuki brought her own plate to the table.

"How's the eye?"

Spider-man removes his mask as Fubuki moves to his side to remove the bandages nice and easy. Once that was done she noticed that the stab wound was healed completely, it looked like he never stabbed himself to begin with, he's healing was unique, all that's left was the vision, "How well is the vision? Can you see properly?"

"So far my vision is blurry, I can only see well when I'm in close proximity. Looks like by tomorrow, my vision will be completely back to normal."

Fubuki smiles with excitement knowing that he was getting better once again, "Thank goodness. For the meantime, I made you breakfast, you need to build up your strength."

"Yes mom." After that was said Spider-man felt a pain in his side which made him fall on his futon clutching his left side, Fubuki used a pressure point technique just by using her two fingers tips.

Fubuki was smiling as she began to eat her scrambled eggs while Spider-man was struggling a little bit to get back up, "What… the fuck was… that?"

"Pressure point." Fubuki replied

"How many techniques are you learning?" Spider-man asked as he finally got back up on his knees still clutching his side with one hand.

"A lot of them. Silverfang's training is really coming in handy. I'll do a lot more damage to you than you can comprehend."

"Wow. Glad to know I'm going to be your personal test dummy." Spider-man said with sarcasm.

"Only if you push my buttons, Web-head. Now, eat." Fubuki replied sternly.

Spider-man began to dig into his food. First he started off with the eggs, second bacon, third sausages, saving the pancakes for last.

After eating breakfast, Spider-man searches for anything to watch on TV, mostly that on here were news reports. Thankfully there were no serious incidents. Spider-man was going to have to stay in for one more day before he can go back out.

"Thankfully, there's nothing too serious going on in the cities." Fubuki says as she sits next to Spider-man, whose head is laying on her right shoulder.

"Yeah, totally." Spider-man agreed with Esper.

"Spider-man do you know any other stories that you have during your time as Spider-man?"

"There was one tragic story. It was with me witnessing the 9/11 attack on the twin towers."

"You saw the events unfold?" Fubuki blinks in surprise.

"Yeah. I was born in 1992 after all." Spider-man replied as he cleared his throat, "It was shortly after my mother's death. After I became Spider-man or Spider-kid."

"Oh I see. Continue."

Spider-man nodded.



"We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to give you the following Special Bulletin."

Longitude: 74 degrees, 0 minutes, 23 seconds west. Latitude: 40 degrees, 42 minutes, 51 seconds north. Follow the sound of the sirens.

Spider-man stands on the edge of a rooftop two blocks away from the sight of the collapsing buildings as the city floods with smoke.


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