viii. ice cream

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you took him for shopping in the morning itself. it was a herculean task to wake him up. if waking up a grown up man is a herculean task for you, you're never going to be a good wifey material.

"enter", you said.

"how? won't this thing hit on my head?", he asked.

by 'this thing', he meant the glass door which has written "push to open"

"NO! get the fuck in", you said.

"BUT HOW!", he yelled back.

"oh king of the underworld.. please don't invite me to your underworld if i kill an innocent rabbit", you prayed.

"push the door", you told him.

he pushed it and got inside in the speed of light. he was definitely proud of himself. the 3rd reason to disown him and dump him into a canal.

the shopping started. 30 minutes passed and you felt your heart sink. the money is draining. you're going to be broke.

if you're broke, you can't buy books anymore. you can't watch Netflix and chill. you can't even buy food! damn it. that hit hard like 2 trains hitting from both sides at the same instant.

"i'm hungry", he mouthed.

"yea yea. we're going to a restaurant"

"what's a restaurant?", he asked.

"food place", you gave a simple answer.

on the way to the nearest restaurant, he saw ice cream shops.

"i need that but i don't know what it is", he said.

"that's food named ice cream. it's sweet, i'll buy you one", you ensured him.

that one sentence made his whole face lit up. food is his life. he kept on complimenting you for the food you made him for yesterday night. noodles and that too, instant noodles. even a 7 year old knows how to prepare noodles.

"oooh! they come in so many colours?!" he was astonished.

"they're flavours actually. this one's chocolate, that's kiwi, this is probably butterscotch and this, it's strawberry. there are more but you can choose by their colour. i promise each of them taste delicious" you said.

"butterscotch and strawberry" he said to the man.

you guided the big baby to a park bench, his hands being occupied by two ice cream cones.

he bit onto the strawberry cone and you felt your blood turning hot.

"that's not how you eat an ice cream! your teeth will cry. you won't be able to brush your teeth. you're supposed to bit-" you stopped.

he bit on the kiwi ice cream and you literally got a brain freeze. how can people bite onto cold af things without any expressions? are they even human?

"i said lick on it. i'm not going to take you to the doctor if you get a toothache" you said.

he did listen to your words. meanwhile you sat next to him waiting for him to finish.

"don't you want ice cream? they're tasty" he said

"no. i'm good"

"are you afraid of.. tooach?" he asked

"afraid of what? tooach? it's toothache" you said, smiling.

that was adorable..

"ah yes, that. are you afraid?"

"no. i just don't want it" you said but you were definitely craving for chocolate ice cream.

examining your face for a second, he said "i'm sure you want it. don't hide it"

"the hell? how do you know that? is it one of your powers!?

"yes and you can have this pink ice cream. i tastes it but i like the green one more" he said, handing you the strawberry cone.

unable to refuse the cone because you love strawberries but also wanting to refuse just because you bought it for him.

"let's go back", you said once he finished his cone.

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