Comenzar desde el principio

Black:rising courage!

White:overflowing hope!

Hikari:with the embrace of sparking light!

They hold hand and hold the free ones back.

Black and others:extreme... Luminario.

Black and White's feet take a hard step forward, and a heart with the rainbow's color appeared before them

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Black and White's feet take a hard step forward, and a heart with the rainbow's color appeared before them. The duo then reach out their palma and the heart sends out a strong golden mist at zakenna. Before explosion as Zakenna last breathe and bursting into hundred of tiny zakennna.

As the place was return back to normal and cirulas was disappeared. They stared on statue of bird.

White:it's over.


Kabuto:that's impressive luminous.


Pollun:I'm tired-popo.

They saw that pollun was tired right now. Wisdom turn back elder about luminous.

Wisdom:elder. This means..

Elder:i don't know.. I never imagined it turning out like this.

Wisdom:which means... That girl is the Queen's...

Elder:that must be it. But that she could become something like that...

Wisdom:yeah. It's surprising.

Elder:but there's more.


Elder:did you feel that power of darkness back then?

He remained that circulas was powerful darkness and pushed them back.

Elder:it seems a considerable amount of power is gathering.and moreover. It's accelerating.

Wisdom:indeed. I can feel some power has been released. Which mean...

Elder:that's right. We have to return to the garden of light. Before the power of darkness reached it.

Kabuto and Precure reveal to normal Suddenly, the van was appeared front of them and surrounds around as they notice it. While zect came out from vehicle and point on yamato.

Hikari:who those people?

Nagisa:i can't believe this.

Zect:did you make promise?

Yamato:i know but don't get rush it.


Honoka:no way.. You going to

Yamato:don't worry about it. I return to tomorrow.

Yamato was go front of van to came inside as hikari call yamato out while zect tried hold her off

Kamen Rider Kabuto And Futari Wa Precure Max heartDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora