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Sunday Morning

The smell of coffee filled the room.

Jisoo woke up alone in bed.

< Chaeyoung-ah? >

The sound of clatter answered her.

Groaning, she shuffled into the kitchen. Chaeyoung was fiddling at the counter, wearing an apron upon her underwear.

Jisoo didn't mind the view.

< You didn't have to make breakfast, you know? >

Chaeyoung turned, smiling widely.

A full breakfast on the stove greeted Jisoo.

< Good morning to you too, Unnie. And I know, but I wanted to. >

< Where did you get all that stuff? I'm pretty sure I emptied the fridge yesterday. >

< You know, Unnie, you should manage better your food resources. What if there's an emergency? You can never know, so I went out to buy food and refill your fridge. You have to eat something, Unnie. >

Chaeyoung turned off the stove and plated the breakfast.

Then, she stamped a kiss on her lips.

Jisoo blushed and blinked, astonished.

"This is a scam. It has to be. Check the bank account later."

< How ... how are you, Unnie? Did you sleep well? >

< Yes. It's ... things were different with you there. >

Chaeyoung's smile was tender.

< I hope that 'different' means 'better', Unnie. >

< Yeah, it ... it does. >

~ ~ ~

Breakfast finished quickly.

< So, Unnie, I need to leave right after lunch. I have tickets for the Hongdae festival, I'm meeting with some friends. I would invite you, but ... I checked, and all tickets are sold-out. And don't get me started on the resale prices. >

Jisoo nodded, smiling.

< It's okay, Chaeyoung-ah. I'm not a fan of crowded places. We spent almost half the weekend together, after all. And we'll see each other tomorrow. >

Chaeyoung sighed.

< At the office, back to the usual boring everyday routine, you mean, yeah. >

For some reason, Jisoo couldn't hold back a laugh.

< Come on, Chaeyoung-ah, it's not that bad. Besides ... Uhm. Well. Things are not the same as before, after all. >

Chaeyoung tapped her chin, pretending to think.

< Hmmh, Unnie, I wonder why? >

The Longest WeekendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora