Chapter 8

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Peter needs to deal with Scott.

He doesn't do anything right away, though. There's no urgency, so he allows himself at least a few days to just soak up the fact that he's suddenly the Alpha, and to a fair sized pack. (Eight! He has a pack of eight!), and he has a mate. Finally he has Stiles, and he couldn't be happier.

After a long and terrifying conversation with the Sheriff, which may have had a few death threats if he ever hurt his daughter, Peter helped Stiles move in properly, and immediately despairs of ever having a clean house again. When Stiles sees that Peter's cleared out wardrobe space for her, she beams at Peter's thoughtfulness, then drags Peter to bed to show her appreciation for the gesture.

In fact, Stiles drags Peter to bed every chance she gets, and Peter doesn't put up any resistance at all, dragging Stiles there just as often - he's waited six years for this, and is as eager as Stiles to indulge himself. Also, neither of them have any shame whatsoever. The pack quickly learns to call or text first, and never, ever walk in unannounced. Stiles laughed for days at the memory of Isaac bolting out of the kitchen, shouting "MY EYES! MY EYES!" when he caught Peter and Stiles using the kitchen counter for purposes that were less than sanitary.

Suddenly, Peter's life has gone from peaceful and organized to barely controlled chaos and he revels in it.

They had their first pack night, watching movies and and just bonding as a pack. But most of all as family. The whole pack seemed settled, and happy for the first time in years. Even Derek, who is normally guarded and distant, was snuggled up on the couch with Lydia. That was a new development that no one saw coming, although nothing was confirmed, and nobody mentioned anything, Stiles was sure that there was something going on, and if not it would happen soon.

However, after a week of having as much sex that they can, and of letting his pack settle into their new dynamic, Peter regretfully extracts himself from his bed and from Stiles grip, gathers his pack, and asks the question.

"What, exactly, are we going to do about Scott?"

"We will do whatever you want us to do, Peter. I think I can speak for all of us, that we are all done with Scott. He never treated us like pack. He doesn't speak to us, unless he needs something and he hasn't contacted us in over two weeks, and before that I think it was a month. He doesn't care about us." Lydia stated.

"I never felt the pack bond before, not like now." Isaac said.

"Same, even when I was in the alpha pack, and I was an alpha, I never felt anything like this before. The only bond I shared was with Aiden." Ethan said.

"But, didn't you have a pack before the Alpha pack?." Isaac asked.

"Yeah wasn't great. Our parents died when we were young, so I don't remember much of that, but the pack that took us in, were horrible to us. They basically treated us like omegas, they would beat us, and starve us. I know Deucalion, Kali and Ennis weren't great and they did god awful things to you guys, but if it weren't for them, me and Aiden would have died a long time ago. They rescued us. We knew Deucalion wasn't a nice man, but we had food and water, a roof over our head, spending money, and we didn't get beaten everyday. It was the best we had at the time. We were grateful when Scott took us into his pack, especially after what we had done to you guys, but still, we never felt wanted. It was worse after Aiden died, I didn't have anyone left, until I met Jackson, my mate. And even though I lost Aiden and I will always miss him, I'm the happiest I've ever been, with my mate and an Alpha and pack who appreciates me, and cares for me. And I know you do because I can feel it."

Stiles climbed over Jackson, to hug Ethan. "You are very much loved in this pack Ethan. There are no omegas here."

"Well, because Scott is not a born wolf, he's failed to notice the pack bonds slowly crumbling. By the time I stepped in, they were so weak they dissolved like wet tissue paper. He hasn't even noticed." Peter said.

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