After the first movie, I was completely passed out and didn't realize when I was left alone in Ashley's bed. 


Trinity's POV

"I didn't realize how long this line was gonna be." Ashley said, looking at the line for the vending machine. 

"I just want a Gatorade." Sighed Mallory. 

"It's alright. We can wait." 

"Where's Ace?" I asked. I could have sworn she was with us a minute ago. 

"She passed out on Abby, remember?" Ash asked. "Abby left after the first movie." 

"Okay. I came right at the end." I said. "Wait, um....." 

"What's wrong Trin?" Mal asked. 

"Did you not leave-" 

Just then the hotel fire alarm started going off, and people went running out the door, us included. 

"Kind of a random night to be doing a fire drill, right? A Tuesday? Really?" Ashley said when we got outside. 

"MALLORY!" I yelled. 

"WHAT?" She mocked my tone.  



I looked at the building and you could see a fire on the fourth floor, which is OUR FLOOR. 

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT." Mal crumpled into a ball on the ground, and I saw a bunch of girls from the team come running out of the building coughing. 

"WHERE'S MY SISTER?" Ashley yelled, tears streaking down her face. 

"SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I yelled, and made the split second decision to run into the building. The firefighters would never be here in time.

The smoke got thicker and thicker as I went upstairs, and I coughed more and more. I went against crowds that were trying to push me down, but I was on an absolute mission. 

When I got to the second floor, I saw someone on the ground. 

"ACE?" I yelled over the loud alarms. 

"Trina?" She coughed weakly. 

"Come on, Ace. We gotta get out of here." 

"I...." She coughed. "I can't!" 

"Yes you can! Come on!" 

I pulled her up off the ground and tried to run, but she was like a rock. 

"Come on, Ace. I'm trying to save your life again. Work with me!" 

She coughed again, and it sounded so horrible. 

We got down to the last flight of stairs, but got halfway down before she doubled over. 

" have to go." She coughed. "I'm not gonna make it." 

"Yes you are. Come on, Ace. You can do it, Ainsley. Ashley's out there waiting for you. Come on." 


"Mallory, Kelley, Hatchy, Abby, Sophia, all of them!" I kept dragging her down. "Come on. Almost there Ace!" 

She started coughing so badly as we got outside, and there were still people coming out of the building but they weren't nearly as bad as Ace due to the fact that she was in the room with the fire. 

The firetrucks finally got here as Ace hit the ground, and I started to panic. 

"HELP! HELP! Ambulance!" I coughed. 

Ace sat up (kind of), and Ashley went running to her. The other girls crowded around, but the EMT's told us not to crowd. 

Mallory ran to give me a hug, sobbing harder than I've ever seen her before. 

"How many times can you save a kid's life?" She cried into my shoulder. 

"Twice in a week, apparently." I said, squeezing her. 

All of the other girls and even random people came over to me and told me I am a legit superhero, I just saved a girl from a burning building, but all I cared about was seeing Ace on the stretcher again, this time her oxygen mask was working and she was covered in black from the smoke. 

I fell over then, sobbing. 

"What if I didn't get to her on time?" I cried into Mal's shoulder this time. "What if I failed Ashley and Ace and all of you and her college friends and....." 

"She's gonna be okay. She is." Kelley said, putting her arms around me and her head on my shoulder. "Nothing to worry about, Trin." 

"But I'll never forgive myself if she's not okay." Mallory and I said at the same time. 

"But it's not your fault." She said to me. "You're stupid for going in there. But literally the bravest person I know. Nothing I ever see will compare to that." 

I still couldn't stop crying. Nothing'll make me feel better until I know she's okay. 

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