5 Months...

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sorry this chaoter is a little borinngggg!!!!! make sure to comment, tell me something exciting that's happened recently! not spell checked btw hehe

5 months after Satoru's family was massacred, 5 months after he was stolen by the one and only King of Curses, 5 months after he watched his family estate burn to the ground, 5 months after he met the blind princess that everyone just worshiped and adored,

5 months and the eyedrops were ready. 

The now 14-year-old- as a new year had approached them in the long hours that Satoru worked- bounced eagerly in her chair, and yet everyone could feel her nerves filling up the room in a stuffy matter.

"Calm yourself," Sukuna said, one of his four hands placed on her shoulder lightly. 

Y/n did not respond, her eyes danced everywhere. From Kenjaku's dark blue aura to Kasei's light green, and lastly to Satoru's white. No black. 

She never could see her own aura- she wondered, what color was it? Was it red and scary like everyone else's? Was it pretty and green? Friendly and blue? Warm and pink? Was it like her mother's, a paling, luminescent yellow that rivaled the sun? 

Was she truly about to see again, as she had so longed to do? She placed a hand on top of Sukuna's, listening to the faint clinking coming from Satoru as he prepared the small bottle of drops. 

Everyone was quiet. Kasei's breath was held, Kenjaku's eyes were trained, and Sukuna's hand tightened just slightly.

Satoru turned to her with a smile. "I'm all set. Are you?" He directed the question to her.

In the time that Y/n had come to know him, she realized he did that a lot. He liked to play with words. Turning literal into philosophical. He was good with words- good at hiding them and changing them how he liked. 

Before she could respond though, he approached her until he stood before her, crouching. She felt the brush of his long white hair on her face. He was close.

He tilted her head up, she swallowed hard. Satoru filled up the small dropper and everyone crowded her as he lifted it above her left eye.

She flinched as the slightly cold liquid hit her open eye. He dropped a few more drops before he moved to her right eye and did the same. Satoru stepped back, smiling. Everyone's breath hitched as they watched Y/n blink rapidly. 

Silence engulfed them all until Y/n suddenly flinched. Her jaw dropped, and she blinked some more. She rubbed the wetness away from her eyes, as she slowly, very slowly began to look around the room. 

Y/n said nothing as she stood up softly, and said nothing as everyone watched her hold up her hands, pull up on the hem of her kimono to look at the socks on her feet, inspect her long hair that so desperately needed a trim as it crowded around her shoulders. Rigid, she was, to turn around. 

She didn't need to ask who was who.

A gentle, sweet, soft smile formed on her lips. 

"You really do have too many limbs for your own good, huh?"

Sukuna found himself staring at Y/n, who was not yet asleep, but her eyes were closed as she hugged one of his arms with her nose pressed against his skin. He just liked to look at her. He made eye contact with her as her visible eye opened, and a smile spread on her face. He felt his gut wrench uncomfortably- though was it really wrenching? A funny feeling it was, the way she looked at him made him seemingly nervous.

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