Who's He?

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HI oh my god yall i am SO sorry for the wait,,, i kept starting new things and had lost my motivation to write, and each time i wanted to do this chapter i just couldn't ...so to make up for it this is gonna be extra long-ish!! love you guys<3 also thank you for 2.4 k views hehe

hasn't been proofread either so ignore mistakes plz :3

It wasn't odd that they bathed together. Y/n enjoyed being pampered like the princess she was, and it was also because Y/n was slightly afraid of water. 

Sukuna made her bathe in his tub because it was so large, but it wasn't deep and Y/n didn't like deep pools of any kind. 

It was only about 3 feet deep, and there were steps, so Y/n sat on the steps and got her hair all soaped up while the King sat crisscross in front of her. She wore a towel over her body, and then once she was done soaping her hair up she held out her hand for Sukuna to lead her down the steps and sat on one of his extended legs. 

Sukuna then helped Y/n rinse her hair, and then she leaned back on his side with a sigh.



She fell silent for a moment, hesitant. Sukuna looked down at her and nudged her softly.

"Just spit it out, brat."

She giggled in return. "Well...I was just wondering why you took me."

It was his turn to get quiet now. Back then when he did take her, he wasn't even thinking. He just took her really without a second thought. Sukuna started petting her head.

"Obviously because you were so cute."

She flushed in embarrassment and elbowed him. "Oh shut up..."

He laughed, leaning his head back for a minute. "If I'm being honest, I don't really know why. When I was there, I guess at the moment I needed a distinction, but when I saw you..." Sukuna pulled her closer to him for a side hug. "You just looked so afraid, but not because of me. Im just used to everyone screaming bloody murder when they see me...and uh," The King cleared his throat, suddenly feeling nervous at the thought that crossed his mind. 

What is she's afraid of me when she finally sees me?

"Kuna, you're such a big baby. What's there to be so scared of?" 

"Ahhh, this is why you're my favorite, Y/n." And then he kissed the top of her head.

The following day was hectic. Y/n was woken up late by Kasei and was informed that Sukuna was 'having a meeting' with a guest. That got her excited.

A guest was rare, and now she was curious.

Once she was out of her room and holding Kasei's hand to go down the stairs for breakfast, she started bugging her caregiver for details.

𝒄hasing the sun, sr.❍ discontinued for now igOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora