A New Passion.

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not spell-checked, ignore any misspells! sorry for the wait...kind or sort of filler but i needed to post and it has some plot anyways so whatever! enjoy

update: fixed a mistake/ spell checked

After Y/n had finally stopped her hellish and painful cycle, Sukuna decided it was time to begin finding a way to return her sight.

It was early morning, perhaps around 5, Sukuna was up and preparing for conquest. There was someone there who apparently knew how to cure things like this. So he was going to go capture him and force him to help Y/n.

He was delivering his orders now. 

"We want the brat with the white hair and blue eyes. Apparently, he's a real useless fuck up, but skilled in medicine. Let's snatch his sorry ass and kill everyone else, got it?!"

They shouted back in cheers and agreement, ready to go kill some people.

He was shining his spear when a weak and sleepy little voice wiggled its way into his ear. 


The King turned around, set his spear down, and stared down at the girl. He crossed two of his arms. 

"What are you doing awake, troublemaker?" He squinted at the sight of her holding Kenjaku's hand. 

"Well, I dunno, I just woke up and you weren't there. Are you going somewhere?" She tilted her head cutely and a yawn escaped her adorable face. 

She was totally making him soft in front of all his soldiers. 

He picked her up and nuzzled his nose against hers. "Yes, I'm going off to take care of some things. I might not be home for a while."

Y/n frowned and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his upper torso. She squeezed him tightly. 

"Okay...I'll miss you." She kissed the corner of his mouth and hugged him some more.

He squeezed her back tightly and whispered into her hair, "I love you."

Some number of days passed in the cursed realm- and Y/n was very pouty. She always hated when he was gone long. 

She struggled with her chores- which were tending to the garden, keeping her room clean, and being moral support to the workers of the palace. 

She opted more to nap and laze around in Sukuna's bed and make Kasei read to her.

Each morning that she woke up without Sukuna nudging her awake softly or kissing the top of her forehead meant the start of a bad day in her book. 

One afternoon, at lunchtime, Kasei was watching her mope quietly. He had an idea suddenly, and sat up straighter and leaned towards her. 

"We could try painting, princess." He got up, excited. "You could paint something for the King, as a gift of his return!"

"Painting?" She tilted her head. "But what will I paint if I cannot see?"

𝒄hasing the sun, sr.❍ discontinued for now igOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora