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hi this is kinda! but improtant<3 im desperately trying to move things along :sob:

"I'm going to help you see again."

Im going to help you see again.

See again. 

Y/n went silent as the words bounced around in her head. 

She was going to see again. 

Her mouth opened as she turned around to face Sukuna. And then it shut back. 

Her eyes were getting watery. 

"I get to see again, 'Kuna?"

The King's heart nearly broke at the sight of her face. She looked so desperate that it pained him. He reached down and pet her head gently, a little bit mad at himself for stalling for so long.

"Of course you will. I'd do anything and everything for you, Y/n."

Y/n spent the afternoon with Satoru and Kasei. Sukuna had to go take care of some things, so he left Kenjaku around the castle to keep watch over the three. 

Y/n began to absolutely adore Satoru, and his hair might just have been the softest thing she'd ever felt. In fact, she made the man sit in front of her so she could try her hand at braiding. 

Kasei clapped when she finished, "You're a natural, princess!"

Satoru smiled. "It's very beautiful. Thank you," but none of them had the heart to tell her she couldn't braid for shit. 

As they were letting Y/n do whatever she pleased with Satoru's hair, Kenjaku walked into the room and kinda...stared at them. Like this: (°言°)

But the poor and tired man brushed it off, walking over to pick Y/n up from her armpits like Sukuna always did. She swung her legs and grinned.

"Hi, Kenjaku!"

"Hello, Y/n. Your dinner is ready."He carried her out of the room, Kasei and Satoru following after them quickly.

"Yay! Is 'Kuna back yet?" She tilted her head, like a puppy. Everyone in the castle could agree the girl was like a puppy-cat. She was sweet, very pettable, curious, and well...adorable. 

Kenjaku sighed as he plopped the girl down in her seat at the dining table. "No, dear, he is not. But I'm sure he'll be back soon."

Y/n bounced her legs, as childish as ever. "Oh..okay!"

A very long, long way away, the King of Curses held a list of items he needed. He groaned in frustration, suddenly plopping down on a log- only for it to split in half because of his weight. 

"UGHHHHHH!" He tossed the list away, but the wind just carried it right back and it smack his face. The undeniable rage he was feeling was evident as his hands shook, crumpling the paper and squeezing his legs. "I am going to kill someone," He announced to no one (he was deep in the woods). 

But then he thought about his sweet little princess waiting for him back home. "Nevermind. I just need to get these ingredients. THEN I will go kill people. A whole village, perhaps?" Sukuna sighed dreamily, getting back up and venturing farther into the terrain. 

His large, natural form squashed bushed, and toppled trees over. He'd gotten already five out of seven ingredients needed. The one he was getting currently was the head of a blue buck, as they were called. For their strange blue-tinted fur, they were rare. Almost extinct, as there had been a huge demand for their fur and antlers in the human world.

Poor things, he thought. But he was about to kill one anyways, so did it matter in the end? Nope!

As Sukuna got deeper into the unknowns of the forest, he heard branches snap. He figured he ought to get smaller, so he went to his human form. The King crept behind some trees, nearing a small clearing where the sky was visible. A small herd of blue deer munched on grass, one very large buck present.

Sukuna had hit a jackpot! He grinned like a freak, creeping closer and closer. 

Needless to say, he got carried away.

The hours ticked by slowly as Y/n sat in her bedroom. It was fairly dark now, the chill of the night frosted her windows as her face pressed against one. She had hoped the Sukuna would have been back by now, but alas it had been long past dinner now. She estimated it was likely around 2 in the morning. The world of the curses was quiet, everyone asleep. Y/n didn't go out into the town much. Only for festivals. Sukuna didn't like her to go out because he feared that someone would try to take her. She found that ironic of him, considering he had kidnapped her in the first place. But, she would be sad if she were to be taken away from him. Or worse, he didn't want her anymore.

"Be rational, Y/n," she mumbled to herself. "Why would Sukuna ever do or say such a thing?"

"Do or say what?" A rough, low voice asked from behind her.

Y/n beamed, getting up from her spot and dashing over to him. "You're back!"

"Hello, my love. Care to explain why you're up so late?" The King cooed, picking his favorite girl up and settling her on his side. She hugged him tightly.

"Just couldn't sleep. How come you're back so late? Kenjaku said you wouldn't take long." She grumbled, peering up at his blobby pink presence. 

"Well, considering the number of errands I had to run, and the difficulty involved, I'd say I'm back pretty quick. How was your day, ladybug?"

"It was good! Satoru has really soft hair," the girl giggled into his arm, squishing him.

Sukuna rolled his eyes but settled her down on her bed. "Want me to sleep in here tonight?" He asked.

Y/n nodded her head ferociously, already climbing under her covers. She giggled as Sukuna climbed in, careful not to squish her.

"Tomorrow we're gonna start working," Sukuna announced to the girl as she got comfortable. He rubbed her back as she yawned, pulling the blanket over them higher.

"Work on what?" She asked, voice sleepy and cute.

"Getting your sight back, silly. Now go to sleep. Big day tomorrow." He smiled softly as she nodded, letting herself fall into the dream world. Sukuna, however, did not fall asleep. 

Instead, the King watched her sleep. Because this was starting to feel like the last peaceful moment they'd ever have.

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