A Walk Down Memory Lane (Intro)

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It was long ago when I met him. It was just in passing, but there he was. We exchanged hellos and such, but not much more. He was a friend of a friend of a friend, so no more thoughts put into it aside from being an acquaintance at most.

At the time, I remember falling for his gorgeous blue eyes, chiseled complexion and scruffy dirty blond hair. The kind of features that gave butterflies in my teenage stomach and made me turn to absolute mush. I couldn't say much to him. I was only 17 years old at the time.  I was a complete idiot around guys back then. Someone who couldn't put two sentences together to save her life. And sometimes, my brain would just go into overdrive and shut down completely. It's the kind of reaction you get to someone so completely beautiful and out of your league that you don't know what to say so you just say nothing and turn away. I was a pretty awkward person to begin with so, with him around, there was no way I'd get a word out. My reputation was everything back then, so keeping cool was the only thing I could concentrate on. Never in a million years did I ever think we'd cross paths again in my lifetime and actually meet up again...

On a date.

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