EJ's First Christmas (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Alright. I will be right back" He said. He slowly picked up EJ and walked out the bed room with him

(Eric's POV)

I go to Michelle's room. But her door was closed so I knocked on it until she answered. Once she does she gives me a skink eye but then saw EJ.

"Yes Eric?" She asked

"I need you to watch EJ while Carley and I take a shower" I said handing EJ over to Michelle. "Oh and be careful. He threw up on me once already" i said and ran off to my room

I entered my bed room once again. I heard the shower running so I walked into the bathroom. And saw the most amazing view. Carley naked. Best part of any day.

I quickly get out of my throw up shirt. And my other stuff. I get into the shower

"You took awhile" She said facing me.

"Yeah well you got a head start" I said leaning down to kiss her

We started to make out. We ended up fooling around. Once we were done in the shower we both got out and put our towels on. Once we walked out of the bedroom Michelle was there.

"Did you guys really have to have sex in there?" She asked annoyed

"Not that it is any of your concern sis but no we didn't have sex. We fooled around but didn't do the deed" I said to my older sister.

"Eric!" Carley said smacking my arm

"What? She asked" I said rubbing the arm

"As I throw up in my mind from that imagine. EJ is missing his mommy" Michelle said giving EJ to Carley

"Oh my sweet boy. Are you hungry?" She asked our son

"I'm not going near him until he digest the food" I said

"He's your son Eric" Carley said

"And you used to throw up on me all the time Eric. So it's karma" Michelle said with a smile

"Yeah I got thrown up on a lot by Mikey, Tessa and James. I think I passed the throw up scale" I said to Michelle

"Well God has made EJ just like you" She said smiling

"Hey if my son is like me I should be honored" I said

"Yeah" Carley said smiling at me. "Are you though?" She asked me

"Yes of course. I love little EJ" I said

"Good. Now I'm gonna feed him" Carley said

"Well that's my cue to leave. See you guys downstairs" I said and ran off downstairs.

Then I looked down and saw I was in a towel. Fuck. I thought to myself. I knock on my door.

"Come in" Carley said. I walked in. "You forgot clothes didn't you" She said with a smile

"Yes I did. Now if you excuse I'm gonna grab some clothes then leave you two alone" I said

I walked over to my clothes and get some quickly. Then went to EJ's room just to change. Once I was fully dress I went down to the kitchen.

I saw Mikey and Tessa eating their food with smiles

"Why are you guys so happy?" I asked with a laugh

"Its christmas!" Mikey and Tessa said

"Oh right.....Present" I said with a smile

"Yeah!" They said excitedly

"Well you guys know the deal. Mom wants us all to be awake to do it" I said

"Yeah" They said sadly

I go over to the coffee marker and started to make coffee. Since i am done school I started to drink coffee more at home. I haven't started to work yet. Because I want to be with Carley and be more help with EJ. Also I'm still doing online classes for my physical therapy doctor license. And I'm also looking for places to open a physical therapy office.

My mom has be very cool with me not working. She helps me pay for some stuff for EJ. Like diapers and stuff.

I do have a bank account. I used a lot of it on Carley and EJ. I have no problem spending it on them. I love them both a lot.

Also for Christmas I got Carley a nice gift. Or I hope it's nice. I go over to the presents and see a paper bag on the floor. I saw it said To Michelle from Ben. So I'm thinking he's gonna propose. But if he put the ring box into the paper bag, that was a stupid Idea.

Everyone came down after an hour. They all eat breakfast. Then it was time for gifts.

Mikey and Tessa did they gifts first. My mom got them cool things. Like Mikey got a xbox one. He loves playing video games.

And Tessa got a microphone and a stand. Since she loves to sing to everyone. They also got little gifts but those were the only big ones.

Carley and I helped EJ to do his presents. He doesn't look too entertain but I know he will appreciate the gifts later on. When he's older that is.

I go over to Carley's gift and gave it to her. I sat right next to her

"What is this Eric?" She asked looking at the gift

"Open it" I said

She opens it and saw the box inside. She opens the little box and saw a bracelet with EJ on it. She cries

"I love it Eric. Thank you" She said and kissed me on the lips. She then gave me EJ to hold while she goes to get my present

(Carley's POV)

Since Eric got me such an amazing gift I am kind of sad i could have gotten him a better one. But i really hope he likes his gift

I hand it to him

He smiles and puts EJ on the couch in between us. He then puts his attention onto the gift. He opens it and saw the gift which happens to be expensive beat headphone

"Carley.....this was too much" He said

"You do so much for me and EJ. Just be happy" I said kissing him

(Ben's POV)

After everyone did their gifts to each other. I was up to give Michelle her gift. Now i put a paper bag on the floor. But the gift is not actually in there. You see I'm gonna ask her to pick the bag up. But i will be on the floor. Well I'll have one knee on the floor holding the ring out. And i pray to god she says yes.

"Alright Ben you're next to give Michelle her gift" Stephanie said

"Michelle do you mind picking up the gift? My legs are cramping" i said lying

"Um.....sure?" She asked

I get off the couch and went on one knee with the ring out

She picks up the paper. "There's nothing in....." She then turns around. "Here" She stopped talking and dropped the bag

"Michelle Emma Wilson. Will you marry me?" I asked

She nods her head as she cried. "Yes I will!" She said. She came over and kissed me hard

Everyone was cheering and celebrating. I hug Michelle and put the ring on her finger. We kissed again

The whole rest of the day I celebrated being with Michelle's family. And it was honestly really nice.

(Eric's POV)

After a long day of excitement. EJ was already asleep in my arms. It is currently 5:30 in the afternoon. So I went up to his room and put him down on his bed. Very softly

After putting EJ to sleep I went to my room and just laid on the bed. My life was pretty good right now. And i don't want anything to change.

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now