Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

    How could it be this direction?

    The audience was overwhelmed by the heavy plot, wishing to escape from the clutches of the black cat immediately.

    Cancel it, cancel it now!

    This kind of underworld author who retaliates against society should learn a lesson!

    Thinking about it this way, if they really want to take the black cat off, they don't even have the courage to raise their hands.

    This point of stimulation is turned off, and there will be no animations to watch in the future. Where else would they find comparable animation other than polka?

    "Machine Memory"? It sounds like a joke.

    You know, L has been doing badly since the sixth episode. Even if the shit-feeding screenwriter is drastically cut down, and a new screenwriter and new painting are replaced, it cannot be denied that it is inferior to before.

    All the vigor of "Mo Li" seemed to have disappeared in the unexplained defeat of the Youth Award. She no longer has aura, the language of the camera has become dead and pale, and the previous highlights have become advertising placements, and she smells like copper.

    The audience can no longer find the sense of astonishment that they had glimpsed before, and they persist until now, but because of the slight hope and the feelings for "Ji Cun".

    [So, black cat, don't learn from the neighbor! Do you want to feed shit to the audience too? ? ? ]

    This highly praised barrage perfectly sums up the mentality of the Black Cat audience - walking a tightrope on a cliff. Although the current plot exceeds their original expectations, the shock it brings to the audience is double that of the original one.

    The down-and-out genius was chosen by God to become a magical girl to defeat the evil Zerg, and the story of resurrecting relatives was fun, but it felt empty after the fun. Except for the convenience and pleasure of fast food, nothing is left on their cerebral cortex.

    But now, Polka's fatal strike has completely reversed the direction of "Shuangwen" preset by the audience.

    Granted, Polka and Kurolo are geniuses. In the final analysis, they are just two eighteen-year-old children. They naively thought that everyone would dedicate their lives to justice and fairness, and they were undefended to all those who gave a helping hand, so they easily fell into the principal's trap.

    No, maybe it can't be called a trap.

    The principal has a clear grasp of the child's thoughts. In his opinion, it is just two more useful tools. It is convenient for him to dedicate himself to his lofty ideal of "purification" and use the Capital Star as the Zerg Queen's birthday gift.

    No matter how clever it is, facing the fallen capital star, can two geniuses turn the situation around? They can only watch the tragedy happen, and then remember the alienated appearance of everyone in their hearts, and become a nightmare that tortures them to fall asleep when they dream back at midnight, without a moment of peace.

    Polka's small mistake caused a catastrophe that killed tens of thousands of people on Capital Star.

    With a clumsy but useful trick, the principal taught Polka a bloody lesson: revolution is not just a play, but bloodshed and death.

    Since then, a corner of this huge gray world has also been unveiled.

    The hearts of the audience were pounding, and the feeling of heartbeat that appeared in "Machine Storage" was revived in Polka.

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