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There is one word to describe how I feel about ending this book.


Have Vengeance started out as some stupid plot idea in my head five years ago, that grew and festered until I thought; fuck it. I can just be anonymous if it's embarrassing.

Never in a million years did I think I could go from 1k reads to 300k and growing. Never. I am so grateful to everyone who clicked on this book (even the homophobes *wink wink*) - but I'm especially grateful for my consistent readers who's pfp pops up in my notifications indicating another hilarious comment that can fix a bad day. Ily all.

Seriously. I don't know you, but I feel like you're closer to me than people I know in real life. I feel more at home with this little community I for some reason was granted.

Alright. Enough of the sappy shit. You guys want your surprise.



This may be a surprise to some of you - or maybe not - I don't know. But Have Vengeance was always going to have a sequel, and always be a duology (yup, planned that when I was ten as well).

It will be set three years after that epilogue, and there will be entirely new characters introduced as well. The plot will mainly be following the younger kids (Aly, Eka, etc) but of course I won't deprive you of more Falexei content (especially them three years from now acting like an old married couple tenfold).

Have Mercy updates will start on the 18th of December, Sunday - and will be updated every Wednesday as well.

(In the mean time, I'll also be working on 'Belladonna' which I plan to get out around my birthday, February).



Alternate Twists

Faith and Aly were going to die together in the original draft.

Liza was originally never going to find out Aly was in the mafia until the very end - and that was going to be the reason for their break up.

Jake was going to stay a douchebag and possibly get killed.

Captain Irons was going to get killed.

Celine was going to be the undercover Romano, but then I decided before writing that it would be better to use her as a misdirect and instead have it be Chris.

Alyona was going to kill Liza's parents.

Alternate Character Names

Faith - Grace.

Alyona - Anya.

Elizabeth/Liza - Victoria.

Alexei - Alexander.

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