Epilogue | New Beginnings

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I WAKE UP in an instant.

My head feels like shit, my torso feels like shit, and I definitely got whip lash from how I just decided to shoot up from this bed.

This bed.

"Hey, hey, hey, easy now." A voice helps ease me backwards, lying more comfortably.

"What's going on?" I wince, closing my eyes and trying to will away the headache.

"Well you ripped open your stitches and didn't tell anyone, so you got an infected wound and lost a lot of blood for starters." The voice scolds.

I blink a few times to stop the dizziness, trying to get away from the blurriness.

"Faith?" The voice repeats.

I blink one more time and am grateful to be met with a familiar set of red wispy hair, glasses and endearing eyes.

"Gloria?" I mumble the word, feeling out my neck for more comfortability.

"That's right," She hums with a little laugh, "It's me."

"What the fuck?" Are my first words - which really seems to amuse her.

"Exactly my reaction." A different voice joins in.

"Oh shit, Captain Irons, what are you doing here?" I ask with zero filter.

"Watching over you." He says.

"That's a little ominous." I respond.

He cracks a grin.

Before any of us can get used to this new normality - weird normality - the door bursts wide open, revealing a purple haired girl wearing a unicorn onesie.

"OH MY GOD!" Are her words to me.

She drops the bunches and unhealthy amounts of snacks that were previously in her arms to the ground. She takes a step forward, hesitates, and runs back out of them room.

"What the-"

"SHE'S AWAKE!" Her words echo loudly down the hall, interrupting me.

Then I hear more footsteps. Running footsteps.

Suddenly three teenagers are collapsing and bursting into my hospital room, rushing straight up to my bed and creating a ruckus.

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